Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » April
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WTF is Jessica Simpson wearing?
April 11th, 2007 under Nick Lachey/Jessica/Ashlee Simpson. [ Comments: none ]

I am not sure what is worse, that top or that camel toe? 

Marc Anthony owes NY $2.5 million in taxes
April 11th, 2007 under J-Lo. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Celebrity Puke

So there was a story today in OK! Magazine that Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony were splitting. The two of them later denied that. But the other story that would break about Marc Anthony they cannot deny. Seems that he owes NY $2.5 million in back taxes according to Access Hollywood. "Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau said that Anthony, who was not prosecuted on tax charges, failed to file returns for 2000 through 2004 on $15.5 million in income. He said the singer, who is married to Jennifer Lopez, filed tax returns for 2005. Morgenthau's chief of investigations, Assistant District Attorney Daniel Castleman, said Anthony and Lopez, 37, do not file jointly so she was not implicated in the investigation. Morgenthau said his office did not prosecute Anthony, 38, because a professional accountant prepared his tax returns and the entertainer apparently thought the returns had been filed and any due taxes had been paid. "We have to be able to show intent" to cheat on taxes, Morgenthau said." AH goes on to explain more how he had no idea that his taxes were not paid and how it happened. All I have to say is it must be nice to not know how your money is being handled. I wish I didn't know how money wasn't being spent.


Lost viewers found on DVR
April 11th, 2007 under Lost. [ Comments: none ]

So week after week it has been reported that Lost is losing viewers, well turns out they really haven't been. Seems most people are just not watching the show live they are watching on DVR. When the show airs on Wednesday at 10p it averages around 11.7 million viewers, but when the DVR viewers are factored in the show climbs to 13.8 million viewers. I know I am one of those people who no longer watches the show live.
According to Variety Lost is not the only show that picks up viewers with DVR, here are a bunch of others, "The 24% demo spike from "live" to "live plus 7-day" for "Lost" is the most for any current primetime show on broadcast television. NBC's "Heroes" and "The Office" both see their 18-49 average climb by 18%, while Fox's "24" and CW's "One Tree Hill" rise by 17%. Increasing by 15%-16% are NBC's "Las Vegas," "Friday Night Lights," "The Apprentice" and "My Name Is Earl," as well as CBS' "Survivor."
Hopefully The CW and NBC will take notice to these numbers when it comes time to pick up One Tree Hill and Friday Night Lights. What is it with Wednesday that we feel we need to watch it on DVR?  

Scary Spice is taking on Eddie Murphy
April 11th, 2007 under Eddie Murphy, Spice Girls. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from The Sun
Scary Spice put Eddie Murphy's name down as the father of her daughter on Fortuna Daphne Bay's birth certificate. According to ISE she is not stopping there, she has hired a lawyer and is taking him to court to prove that he is that father of Fortuna, "Mel has no doubt Eddie is the father and she wanted to make the point." Even though Scary is taking him to court, she does not want him to be part of her babies life,"She doesn't want him involved because he has hurt her too much. She just feels that he will have to accept responsibility at some point and there was no need for him to be so dismissive of their relationship." If Eddie is the father of her baby, she chose a perfect name for her daughter because she will get a fortuna from Eddie Murphy.

Julie Bowen’s water breaks on the Boston Legal set
April 11th, 2007 under Babies, Boston Legal. [ Comments: none ]

According to People, Julie Bowen gave birth to little baby boy last after her water broke on the set of Boston Legal yesterday. Oliver McLanahan Phillips was born at 10:15p and weighed in at 6 pounds 15 ounces.

No word when she will return to finish filming the final few episodes of this season's Boston Legal or how the birth will affect the show. I wonder if they are considering doing what ABC did with Marcia Cross when she was on bed rest and go on location to the hospital. How fun would that be? They should have sent the camers in to the delivery room and used the footage on the show because as you can guess her character is also pregnant on the show.

(photo from Wire Image


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