Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Scary Spice is taking on Eddie Murphy
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[ # ] Scary Spice is taking on Eddie Murphy
April 11th, 2007 under Eddie Murphy, Spice Girls

(photo from The Sun
Scary Spice put Eddie Murphy's name down as the father of her daughter on Fortuna Daphne Bay's birth certificate. According to ISE she is not stopping there, she has hired a lawyer and is taking him to court to prove that he is that father of Fortuna, "Mel has no doubt Eddie is the father and she wanted to make the point." Even though Scary is taking him to court, she does not want him to be part of her babies life,"She doesn't want him involved because he has hurt her too much. She just feels that he will have to accept responsibility at some point and there was no need for him to be so dismissive of their relationship." If Eddie is the father of her baby, she chose a perfect name for her daughter because she will get a fortuna from Eddie Murphy.

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