Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » April
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Will this lead to dueling divas…Sharon Stone vs Barry Manilow?
April 13th, 2007 under Barry Manilow, Sharon Stone. [ Comments: 1 ]

So Sharon Stone was speaking at some event last night called the Billie Awards and she made a low blow dig towards Barry Manilow. According to Planet Hollywood she was auctioning off tickets to Elton John's White Tie and Tiara Ball and was listing all the celebs who have attended in the past. When a picture came up of Rod Stewart she said, "sometimes comes in a kilt and no underpants, which I have to say I liked—kind of a lot!" But when it came to Barry Manilow she had this to say, "Oh, look! That was after the third face lift…I mean, hip replacement." Ouch and ironic because she has had how many plastic surgeries? I have to admit it is kind of funny. Neither Planet Hollywood or a friend of his considered it a laughing matter, "That’s a shame that she would stoop so low," the friend said. "It certainly shows her own true colors." True colors and I say plastic surgeries!

Keith Richards models the lastest bluetooth headset
April 13th, 2007 under Captioned By Me, Rolling Stones. [ Comments: 4 ]

Can someone please tell me what the f0ck that is? Did he maybe hit his head a little too hard when he fell of that shrub last year because he says he has been sober for a while, so what logical reason could there be for that head gear? But then again it is Keith Richards…

Lionel Richie makes fun of celebs in rehab
April 13th, 2007 under Lionel Richie, Nicole Richie. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from People)

IOL has quote from Lionel Richie from a recent interview where he makes light of the new Hollywood trend…rehab. "I think it's a cliché to say: 'I'm going into rehab. I bumped my foot today – rehab; I hit my head on something – rehab.'" While I partially agree with him, I also think it is ironic that he is one the saying it. Considering Nicole Richie has been in rehab and well… 


Julian Lennon sells off his dad
April 13th, 2007 under Beatles, Julian Lennon. [ Comments: none ]

NME is reporting that Julian Lennon has sold off his stake of his father’s compositions from the Beatles to Primary Wave Music Publishing. Primary Wave Music Publishing reportedly bought the Nirvana rights last year from Courtney Love for $50 million, so it will be interesting to see how much Julian Lennon got. The announcement of Julian Lennon’s sale is expected later today.
In other Beatles news, EMI and the surviving Beatles and family have settled their argument and their music could be available for download soon!
Back to Julian Lennon, I met him once in Miami at some and all I can say is he a great hugger!


Hot Links!
April 12th, 2007 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who looks cuter without makeup? – INO
Nicole Richie thinks enemas are fun – POTP

Jenny McCartney's son has autism – ICYDK
Which child is Angelina Jolie ignoring? – Dlisted
Is Leonardo Dicaprio going to be a daddy? – The Blemish
What is Pete Doherty's big announcement? – Celeb Warship
So how did Courtney Love really lose the weight? – Celebitchy
Showtime picks up The Tudors for a second season – Variety
Another VH1/MTV reality show divorce? – Allie is Wired
Ride the Rock'n'Roller Coaster – Buzznet
Who fired Don Imus today? – Ninja Dude
Who's wet butt? – Celebrities Pictorials

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