Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » March
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Ken Paves destroys Ashlee Simpson’s hair
March 12th, 2007 under Jessica Simpson. [ Comments: 14 ]

Want to see Ashlee Simpson’s hair after, then click here!


Snoop Dogg was arrested again
March 12th, 2007 under Arrested, Snoop Dogg. [ Comments: 1 ]

It has been a while since he has been arrested, but once again he was busted for drugs in a car. According to WENN Snoop Dogg was arrested in Stockholm under the suspicion of using illegal narcotics. Police also found a small amount of drugs in his car.

Snoop who was in Stockholm for a gig, was heading to an after party when he was pulled over. When cops pulled him over they said that he and his female companion looked under the influence, so they took to a near-by police station and held them overnight. Both were tested for drugs and they will know the results in two to three weeks. Sweden usually punishes minor drug offense with only a fine. At least this time it wasn't at an airport.

(That is an old mug shot)


Chad Lowe, Rob Morrow and Fisher Stevens rescued in Aspen!
March 11th, 2007 under Nice stories. [ Comments: none ]

According to Townhall Chad Lowe, Rob Morrow and Fisher Stevens were all rescued after getting lost skiing on a mountain in Aspen. All the three were in Aspen for Celebrity Downhill, even if they couldn't find their way downhill. They were not the only ones lost on the mountain, Chad, Rob and Fisher found some other lost skiers who used their cell phones to call for help. The ski patrol found the lost skiers and helped them to find their way down back to safety. The trip took three hours because of heavy snow and dense fog. In the defense of the all the lost skiers, the Aspen Ski Patrol said even locals get lost up there. Rob Morrow had a good attitude about the whole thing, "It ended up being great because it was a good adventure." Thank g-d the three made it down safely. 


Tori Spelling’s blue baby shower
March 11th, 2007 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling, Loni Anderson. [ Comments: none ]

You think she is having a girl? Joking. The Tupperware baby shower was held last weekend, but this is the first time I saw a picture. Several friends and co-stars were there including Jennie Garth and Loni Anderson, sadly her mom wasn't there. With all they have been going through over the last year you think her mom would get over whatever they fighting about.
And is it just me or does Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott's baby shower look more like a Chanukah party?

March 11th, 2007 under Randomness. [ Comments: none ]

So the other night I was talking to my friend, Dave, about the meaning behind the song Turning Japanese by The Vapors. You see my other friend, Jerry, has been telling me for years that the song is about when a man climaxes he makes a face that well makes him look Japanese, thus Turning Japanese. Well I thought it seemed logical, I mean c’mon how fun is that? Well back to Dave, he said that he read The Vapor’s lead singer Dave Fenton denies that is what the song is about. So I called Jerry who remains adamant that the song is about, masturbation. Well today I found the answer on a The Vapors fan page and I don’t have the heart to tell Jerry he was wrong. So in order not to upset Jerry, we will keep this between us. What do you think after reading the below quote from Dave Fenton and listening to the song?

Over in the States, “Turning Japanese” was deciphered as a paen to masturbation – more specifically the Oriantal – looking facial distortions one pulls in the moment of climax (so I’m reliably informed). Fenton is characteristically reticent on such matters. “It means whatever you want it to mean,” he says, before admitting: “I wrote it as a love song. But when I went to America everyone said to me, “Is it about wanking?” In interviews, I’d say alternatively, “Yes it is”, and “No, it’s not”. It could be about a lot of things. I just woke up with that phrase in my head. It’s just an image which captures what that song was all about. But, no it wasn’t intended to be about wanking at the time. What surprised me was that the Americans thought it was an English phrase!”


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