Ahoy mates! Pictures of Johnny Depp and some pirates on the PotC3 set |
August 29th, 2006 under Johnny Depp, Pirates of the Caribbean. [ Comments: none ]
So the wonderful and amazing Scott went back to Redondo Beach Pier to see if he could get a tour of the Black Pearl at the Pirates of the Caribbean 3 set! Although he did not get the tour, he got to meet Johnny Depp and was kind enough to share these pictures with us! How much do we love Scott for sharing these pictures with us!
Thanks Scott!
Benji Schwimmer’s movie updates |
August 29th, 2006 under SYTYCD. [ Comments: none ]
hey guys…well some new twists and turns of events have conspired in the last few days… so much news to announce. I have agreed to do my first feature film with heidi. Its dubbed "For Love and Dance" …we both will have soeaking roles in it to get our feet wet. We play champion swing dancers(far fetched eh?)…its going to be a lot of fun and we film at the end of this year after the tour. Tour is coming along very well….we are in our second day of rehersals…theyre going great!!!! Great dancing with everyone again. The whole conceptualization of the tour is just awesome! We reherse in a secret location right next to Janet and her tour as well as Pink and Tom Petty. I have a new song I will be doing for my solo in the tour. That should be fun!!! On other news… Sadly, the Fred Astaire movie is not going to happen. BUT!!!! I have just recieved a few new scripts and Im wrestling with a few different sitcoms and possibly Broadway shows coming after the tour. Things are crazy right now….butin a good way!!! Im just counting my lucky stars and blessings….DEMAND is coming along amazingly. I have new staff working on getting the website up as well as international recognition coming to the forfront for more exposure and attention. Come the end of the year I will be asking for volunteers as well as donations and fundraisers so keep in touch with this site in the coming months. I love you guys…and miss performing live on TV for all of you…CANT WAIT FOR THE TOUR! Brush your teeth!!! Benji’s MySpace blog
I am so going to see that movie! I love dancing movie and I love Benji, so what more can a girl ask for!
How skinny is Nicole Richie? |
August 29th, 2006 under Captioned By Me, Nicole Richie. [ Comments: none ]
Spank Cheeks
Even the slightest breeze can knock her 82 pound body down. Bitch needs to put on some weight ASAP!
FoL2’s Toastee discusses her elimination on Dlisted |
August 29th, 2006 under VH1/MTV. [ Comments: 2 ]
Michael K gets another hot hot hot interview with Toastee! This is just one of the many questions she answered, but you can check out the rest of the interview at Dlisted!
MK: So you didn’t get with Foofy? Ok, that answered my other question. Now let’s get the real shit. Tell me exactly how you felt about Foofy showing that nude picture of you to everyone and why did Nibblz spill it to him like that?
Toastee: The tears that everyone saw on TV were real- I was a mess. I was really, really shocked that Flav decided to print out a photo and whip it out at the elimination ceremony. I still stand by my opinion that I’ve never done porn. The photo that he found was from a shoot I did when I was 18 years old. It was a photo of me naked, in a very "open" pose, but just me, nobody else. Yes it was immature for me to have done that kind of work in the past, but it IS the past. I am not a stripper. I am a medical school student and I own a modeling agency now to help new models find safe and reliable work. I think it’s very hypocritical for online strippers like Nibblz and crackheads like Flav to judge me or look down on me at all for something I did at 18. There was no reason to show the photo to everyone at the elimination ceremony other than to hurt me. THAT is very immature. I am not mad at Nibblz- she did what she felt she had to do to get me off the show. I expected something cheap and low-class from someone cheap and low-class like herself. It’s a shame however that VH1 and Flavor Flav had to manipulate and humiliate a young girl on national television to bring ratings. I really do think this was staged since the audition process and could have easily happened to any of the other girls with "pasts" on the show. You live and you learn though. I’ve learned from the show just like I’ve learned from the past. I’ve gotten hundreds and hundreds of emails from fans that are just sooo nice and really caring. It means a lot that strangers feel the need to show me their support! Thanks everyone!
Liv Tyler looks great without make-up |
August 29th, 2006 under Liv Tyler, No makeup. [ Comments: 3 ]

B!tch! I wish I looked that good without make-up
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