Seriously? OMG! WTF?
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Manhattan is being taken over by Alien
August 29th, 2024 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]

New York City is one of the most visited cities in the world. Therefore, it would make sense if aliens were to come down to Earth, they would choose Manhattan.

So that is exactly what the Facehuggers from Romulus did.

And even though the aliens claimed several innocent lives, it is still not the scariest thing to invade NYC. That title will always go to the Trumps. They are a parasite we can’t get rid of.

That is why New Yorkers weren’t that scared by the alien invasion. We are used to so much worse.

Aliens: Romulus is in theaters now.


Hot Links!
August 28th, 2024 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who looks hot without a shirt? – Celebitchy

Rita Ora in a bikini – Drunken Stepfather

It looks like the ER sequel is in trouble. – Pajiba

See the first photos from Fantastic Four – Screen Rant

Watch Kirsten Dunst do the Bring It On Cheer – WDJX

Mariah Carey lost her mom and sister on the same day – Farndulista


Did this cat see JD Vance fuck a couch?
August 28th, 2024 under Unadmirable People. [ Comments: none ]

JD Vance posted a video of a cat wearing a scarf that read, “Cats for Vance 2024,” and asked, “I wonder if this cat knows…”

Looking at the kitty’s shocked face, I think we can all agree he knows. He knows that the soon-to-be-ousted-vice presidential candidate fucked his area on the couch, and now he needs a new place to lay his head because Vance defiled his resting spot.

I am beginning to think that the Republicans hate Vance more than we do because they keep giving him the worst advice. But what do I know? I am just a childless cat lady who never fucked a couch.


BTWF: Julie Newmar in My Living Doll
August 28th, 2024 under Before They Were Famous, Julie Newmar. [ Comments: none ]

Before Julie Newmar was Catwoman on Batman, she was an android on My Living Doll. How beautiful was the 30-year-old in that 1964 episode?


This is the patriarchs from This Is Us
August 28th, 2024 under Mandy Moore, Milo Ventimiglia, This Is Us. [ Comments: none ]

It has been two years since This Is Us ended its run on NBC. Mandy Moore, Sterling K. Brown, and Chris Sullivan loved working together on the family drama so much that they created the podcast That Was Us to talk about their time on the set.

Today, they asked Milo Ventimiglia to join them. While he was there, he and his TV wife recreated a photo they took.

Back then, Moore was fake pregnant, but now she really is. I find it interesting to see the difference in her shape. Granted, on the show, she was having triplets. In real life, she is experiencing her third pregnancy.

Now that I mentioned that, can we talk about the fact that they don’t age? Maybe they are stuck in a time loop because they played their characters in different eras of their lives.


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