Seriously? OMG! WTF? » New Amsterdam starts the year off with a bang
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[ # ] New Amsterdam starts the year off with a bang
September 21st, 2021 under New Amsterdam, Ryan Eggold

New Amsterdam is back on NBC tonight at 10p, and they are literally starting the season off with a bang. As in, someone is blowing up wards in the hospital. That is not the only thing heating up in this episode, so is Max (Ryan Eggold) and Helen’s (Freema Agyeman) relationship.

Before we get to that, because that is all you want to know, let’s talk about the person who is setting off bombs in New Amsterdam. No one knows who this mystery person is, but they need to find him fast. Therefore, Iggy (Tyler Labine) goes to a dark place to get insight into who might be doing this. Is he mentally up for doing this after all he went through in the season finale with the patient who became dangerously obsessed with him?

Meanwhile, Bloom (Janet Montgomery) is obsessed with her new girlfriend. So much so, she tells all of the new ED residents, which includes her lover (Shiva Kalaiselvan), that they are dating. How will that reveal affect Leyla Shinwari’s residency?

I guess now I can tell you about Helax. They are still together, but she wants to leave NYC and be closer to her family. She has an offer overseas, and Max is going to do everything he can to make their love affair work. How far will they go? That will be answered in the final seconds of the show.

I forgot how much I loved this show until I watched this episode. I watch almost all of the medical dramas on broadcast TV, and this one is by far the best. If you are not watching, now is an excellent time to start.


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