Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Donald Trump is not a fan of Meghan Markle’s
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[ # ] Donald Trump is not a fan of Meghan Markle’s
September 23rd, 2020 under British Royals, Donald Trump

We all know that Donald Trump has the maturity of a toddler who cannot yet talk. Because of that, he says moronic things on an hourly basis.

Today, after declaring that he won’t accept the election results if he loses, a reporter asked him what he thought of TAFKAP Harry and Meghan Markle telling people to vote for Joe Biden.

The immature baby said, “I’m not a fan of hers. And I would say this, and she has probably heard that, but I wish a lot of luck to Harry because he is going to need it.”

At least Harry doesn’t have to pay women to have sex with him. Plus, the one woman who married him wants to be married to him. Many, many women would marry Harry because of the man he is, and not just because he says he is a billionaire.

Harry doesn’t need luck when it comes to the women department. He will be fine with Markle. Trump, on the other hand, needs luck in so many different aspects of his life. He proves that money does not buy happiness or class. However, it will buy him sex with porn stars and their silence.


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