Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Even Donald Trump’s hair wants to get away from his farts
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[ # ] Even Donald Trump’s hair wants to get away from his farts
April 25th, 2024 under Donald Trump

Before we were making fun of Donald Trump for his farts, we were laughing at that thing on top of his head he calls hair and its rapid decline, like his mental capacity.

It is a mystery that has yet to be explained, and we don’t want an explanation.

Anyways, today, when he was talking to the press before he went into court, the wind had revealed that his hairline is disappearing as quickly as his wealth. Heck, he might have more hair than he does money. And that isn’t saying a lot.

Maybe if he had more money, he could afford better wig tape. You know, if worse comes to worse, he can use Gorilla Glue. Remember, that is a miracle worker!


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