Seriously? OMG! WTF? » White Castle finally teams up with Harold & Kumar
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[ # ] White Castle finally teams up with Harold & Kumar
April 24th, 2024 under Harold and Kumar, Junk Food

On July 30th, Harold & Kumar Go to the White Castle is celebrating its 20th anniversary. And finally, after twenty years, White Castle is doing something to promote the film.

They are giving away digital versions of the stoner comedy for free. Well, sort of. In order to get it, you need to either order a Harold & Kumar Crave Clutch, which includes twenty sliders or buy two boxes of White Castle sliders in the frozen aisle by July 31st. After you do, you will be given a promo code so that you can download the highlarious feature.

What do you have to lose? You can only gain from this! Pounds and a funny movie!

True story. Every time I interview Kal Penn, I get mad. Why? Because I crave White Castle when I see him, and we have none near me. He told me I can get them at the store. But it is not the same. There is nothing like a fresh White Castle burger! It is so bad for you, but it is so delicious! And that is why Harold and Kumar did all they could to get one!


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