Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Will Arnett
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BTWF: Will Arnett on Sex and the City
May 29th, 2019 under Before They Were Famous, Sex and the City, Will Arnett. [ Comments: none ]

Before Will Arnett had a disastrous sex life as BoJack Horseman, he had a phenomenal one on Sex and the City. How sexy was the 28-year-old in that 1998 episode that lived up to the show’s title?


BTWF: Will Arnett on The Sopranos
February 12th, 2019 under Before They Were Famous, James Corden, Will Arnett. [ Comments: none ]

Before Will Arnett was starring on Arrested Development, he was arresting people on The Sopranos. I think he actually looks younger now than he did when he was 32 in that 2002 episode.

Want to hear the great story on he landed that part, then click here!


BTWF: Will Arnett for Manwich
January 21st, 2019 under Before They Were Famous, Will Arnett. [ Comments: none ]

Before Will Arnett was the voice of Batman for The Lego Movie, he was putting Manwich in his mouth. You can not help but to recognize the 17-year-old actor in 1987 by his distinctive smile.


James Corden goes to Space Camp with Will Arnett and Chris Pratt
January 21st, 2019 under Chris Pratt, James Corden, Will Arnett. [ Comments: none ]

You don’t have to be an astronaut to go to Space Camp, you just have to play one on the big screen. That is what Will Arnett, Chris Pratt and Elizabeth Banks are going to do The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part.

Since they really did not go to Space, James Corden thought it would be fun to take them Space Camp for his Late Late Show. How did they do? I think the only way those four will get on a rocket for real is if it is a fake one for a movie like Pratt in Guardians of the Galaxy and Passengers.

They might be able to harmonize Elton John’s Rocket Man perfectly, but that does not make them rocket men.


Will Arnett tortures Jason Bateman with old acting photos
June 13th, 2017 under Conan O'Brien, Jason Bateman, Will Arnett. [ Comments: none ]

Will Arnett and Jason Bateman not only play brothers on Arrested Development, they act like that when the cameras are not rolling.

Yesterday, when Gob was on Conan, he told the TBS late night host that he sends his TV bro photos of him when he was a child actor to torture him. Photos no one wants to be reminded of, which is why it was great that he shared a bunch of them on the show. I would feel bad for Bateman if I did not enjoy seeing them so much! The ’80s were cruel to Michael Bluth and Arnett and I grateful for that!


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