Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Thompson Twins
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A mini-Thompson Twins reunion!
December 27th, 2023 under Thompson Twins. [ Comments: none ]

I am a huge Thompson Twins fan, and my Christmas present came a little late this year. After decades of singing, If You Were Here, two of the three bandmates are here in the same city as me.

Alannah Currie shared a photo of herself in LA with Joe Leeway. And now I am doing everything in my power not to be a detective and stalk them.

Seriously, don’t they look fabulous together? So much so that I wish they would do one reunion show just for me! Because it is all about me!

So hold me now before they call the doctor, doctor on me. Don’t worry, they don’t have to look left, look right from me! I am not watching them. I will always have love on my side for them.


Thompson Twins’ Tom Bailey will perform anywhere
September 28th, 2018 under 80s, Thompson Twins. [ Comments: none ]

Thompson Twins’ Tom Bailey released a solo album over the summer and he has been touring around the world to promote it. Recently, he played a gig in Portland and some very lucky people got an intimate show. That is because he and the band did a warm-up show in the bathroom. The room with the best acoustics in the house.

If you are a fan of his old band, then you are going to love his new CD Science Fiction. Even though I am a die-hard Duranie, I think that Thompson Twins were the best musical group of the ’80s!


A New Wave fan’s wet dream!
July 12th, 2018 under 80s, Thompson Twins, Wet dream. [ Comments: none ]

Tom Bailey from the Thompson Twins posted the above photo of himself with the B-52’s, and this New Wave fan is calling the Doctor, Doctor because she is so excited to see them all together at the Love Shack. Well, backstage but it is the same thing, right?

Why are Kate Pierson, Fred Schneider, Bailey and Cindy Wilson all together? They started their tour with Culture Club last night and they will be touring the United States until October 6th. If you want to roam to one of their shows, you can see the full list of tour dates here. I will be doing a Russell Brand and asking for someone to get me to the Greek!

Seriously, how awesome do they look? Not only is love on their side, so are good genes?

Now if only Bailey would reunite and tour with Alannah Currie and Joe Leeway, I would be screaming hold me know. I would be saying you take me up so high to that news and I never want to come back down.

One last note, does anyone know if Bailey still has his butt-length tail? I remember hearing a rumor a fan once cut it off.


Demi Lovato doesn’t know how The Thompson Twins are
November 26th, 2013 under American Idol 9+, Demi Lovato, Jimmy Kimmel, Thompson Twins. [ Comments: none ]

Demi Lovato was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and he told her that she had a Thompson Twins look going on and she looked at the ABC late night host dumbfounded. So he asked her if she knew who the groundbreaking band was? She admitted that she didn’t. So he listed two of their songs and she still had no idea who one of the biggest bands in the ’80s are.
That is why I have always had a problem with her being a coach on The X Factor. She’s too young and inexperienced to know enough about music to tell people how they can be professional musicians. She should’ve schooled herself in music before she took the job. I could understand if they were one-hit wonders, but they weren’t as you can tell in the megamix of their greatest hits below. That mix is missing one of their biggest tunes and that is If You Were Here. If she doesn’t know that song, then that is sad on so many levels because that would mean that she’s never seen one of the best coming of age movies, Sixteen Candles. That would also mean she missed out on experiencing what almost every teenage girl enjoys. Because what 16 year old girl didn’t wake up on her Sweet 16, look in the mirror and be disappointed that she looked the same, just like Molly Ringwald did in the movie. Seriously?
Here’s my biggest problem, I am so sick of these kids not knowing who the people are that came before them. I agree with Tyra Banks when she tells the contestants on America’s Next Top Model that they should know who the models and designers are in the business. It drives me crazy when I talk to wannabe actors and they don’t know who some of the biggest producers, directors and actors are out there. Sure they know the Brad Pitts, but you would be surprised by who they don’t know and don’t care to know. What happens if they go on an audition and the casting director asks what they think of that producer’s other work. Or what about when they make it and they are doing press. This happened to me when I first moved her. I had to ask an actor what he thought of legendary actor with a slightly feminine name who just died. I am not lying, but he said that she, yes she, was a great actress, yes actress. The actor who died is one of the biggest TV actors ever. That is why I believe these kids needs to know their craft. It is respect. When I worked in news, I knew who the big names in news were and that is why I worked with some of them. When you go on an interview, you learn about the company you are interviewing for, right?
So why does this “actress” and “singer” who coaches a reality competition show on a major network, not know who The Thompson Twins are. The only thing that makes me feel better about this, is just like she doesn’t know their music, I don’t know hers. Although I think I am the one who is better off in this scenario.
To calm myself down, I am going to listen to my Thompson Twins Greatest Hits CD because yes I do own it! And it is a remixed version of their many many hits! How many does she have? The highest she ever charted on Billboard 100 is 9. Just saying…
I think I might have to get some hypnotherapy from Joe Leeway of The Thompson Twins to get over her not knowing who they are.

UPDATE: My day was completely made when The Thompson Twins’ Alannah Currie, whose working name is now Miss Pokeno, Tweeted me the below response to my post. Could it be any more perfect?



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