The many faces of Andy Garcia |
July 11th, 2010 under Andy Garcia, The Many Faces of. [ Comments: 1 ]

Andy Garcia was at the Roma Fiction Fest 2010: Ceremony Awards and even though he had a big bushy mustache he was still able to show off several emotions. You know what if someone gave him a cigar and some black rimmed glasses, I would think he was trying to play Groucho Marx in a movie about the comedic legend’s life. Seriously what is up with that furry thing on his lip? Someone give him a razor because that thing needs to go ASAP!
The many faces of Mischa Barton! |
July 7th, 2010 under Mischa Barton, The Many Faces of. [ Comments: none ]

Mischa Barton was photographed pumping her own gas yesterday and I have not the actress show that emotion since…well I can’t remember when. Seriously what is up with all those faces. If all it took to get her to show that much expression in her movies was to fill her own tank, then maybe they should have her do that before every scene.
BTW those pants so need to go. Those red jeans are so unflattering on her figure or basically anyone’s figure.
On a positive note as least she brushed her hair.
The many faces of Britney Spears |
July 2nd, 2010 under Britney Spears, The Many Faces of. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
Britney Spears went on her normal coffee run, but for some reason it was anything but normal for her. As the paps were taking pictures of her she had an interesting reaction that makes you wonder what was in that Starbucks drink?
Hopefully she was just having a bad day because she was doing so well.
BTW she didn’t only look bad from the front, she looked bad from the back.
The many faces of Robert Pattinson |
June 25th, 2010 under Robert Pattinson, The Many Faces of, Twilight. [ Comments: none ]

Robert Pattinson attended the LA premiere of Twilight: Eclipse yesterday and by the looks of his face he has a lot to say about it. His expressions range from sexy to devilish to dorky and all of them are cute.
BTW here is one more picture that doesn’t show his face for you Team Edward Twihards to enjoy!

The many faces of Tom Cruise |
June 23rd, 2010 under The Many Faces of, Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri, Uncategorized. [ Comments: 6 ]

Tom Cruise was promoting his new film Knight and Day yesterday and he showed different emotions while talking to reporters. It is amazing how much his face can transform and age with each expression.
BTW I forgot how big his nose was until I saw the side profile pictures of him.
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