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Mean Joe Green recreates his legendary coke commercial during the Super Bowl
February 3rd, 2012 under Ads, Super Bowl. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 1979 Mean Joe Green did a Super Bowl commercial for Coca Cola that is still talked about today. So 33 years later Downy is recreating it with the football legend himself for the their new product Unstoppables to air during the big game and it is brilliant. You know everyone is talking about how Matthew Broderick reprised his role as Ferris Bueller for Honda, but I think this is a much better coup with an ending that doesn’t stink.
Isn’t it crazy that except for a few grey hairs the 65 year old Defensive Tackle hasn’t aged a day since he played football professionally? Watch the original Coke commercial below and I dare you to tell me doesn’t look the same.


The Ferris Bueller and Audi Super Bowl ads score a touchdown with me
January 26th, 2012 under Ads, Super Bowl. [ Comments: none ]

via The Hollywood Reporter
The Super Bowl is a just a week and a half away, and we are getting the first look at the commercials that will be airing during the big game.
The first ad is a teaser for an unknown company that is bringing back a well known man…Ferris Bueller. The mysterious company posted the video titled “Coming Soon” on YouTube and said “We hate to be such a tease, but on a day like today, we just have to. Stick it out until the Super Bowl, or take a “day off” on Monday and catch the big reveal.” When I watched the :10 preview, I thought the mystery company was a hotel. But then when I went to the YouTube page, the related videos on the side are for curtains. So I am ass-u-me-ing that the ad is for a window dressing store. What do you think it is for?
Then another ad that got its debut today is so much more obvious that you don’t have to be blinded by the light to know that it is for Audi. To say that ad doesn’t suck would be an understatement. It had me laughing out loud.
When I was studying advertising in college, my goal was to have an ad during the Super Bowl because that is when the best of the best air. It looks like this year won’t disappoint. Especially if the Giants win. Go Giants.


A-Rod’s cred destroyed by one Super Bowl second!!!
February 7th, 2011 under A-Rod, Cameron Diaz, Super Bowl. [ Comments: none ]

A-Rod might be one of the best baseball players of today, but all of his hard work earning that title was ruined during one second at the Super Bowl. The Yankees’ slugger and his girlfriend Cameron Diaz went to the biggest football game of the year and they got caught by the cameras as she fed him popcorn. Lucky for him spring training is a few weeks away because if wasn’t, you know his teammates would be ripping him a new one. Lucky for the Yankees, the NY papers will be harassing him about it until they can.


The best of the Super Bowl ads
February 8th, 2010 under Ads, Super Bowl. [ Comments: none ]

I know most people think David Letterman’s ad with his arch rival Jay Leno was the best one that aired during the Super Bowl, but my favorite was the Snickers one with Betty White and Abe Vigoda. I mostly liked it because we got to see that Abe Vigoda is Alive and I didn’t have to check out the website to confirm it!
What were you favorite ads and did I miss any?
BTW who cared more about the commercials than the game?


Burn Notice kicks off Super Bowl shows on USA tonight
January 29th, 2009 under Super Bowl, USA Network. [ Comments: 1 ]

Tonight at 10p on USA Burn Notice starts off the first of three Super Bowl themed shows! And let’s just say what a way to kick off the game.
On tonight’s episode something so firey hot will happen between Fiona and Michael that will change their relationship forever.
And tomorrow tune in for Monk and Psych starting at 9p on USA for two episodes that definitely score a touchdown!!!


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