Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Steve Martin
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Steve Martin doesn’t do Selfies
June 14th, 2014 under Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Martin does auto-portraits instead! And that is why we love the Wild & Crazy Guy!


Top 10 things Steve Martin read on Conan!
February 24th, 2014 under Conan O'Brien, Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]

Even before Conan O’Brien was hosting Late Night on NBC, his predecessor David Letterman has been doing a Top Ten list. Well one of The Late Show’s biggest guests, Steve Martin, did a bit with Conan O’Brien on his TBS show and it seems to be a lot like something the Wild and Crazy Guy would be doing on the CBS late night show. That bit was a Top Ten list and you want to watch it all the way through because you will be laughing harder than you have during one of those other Top Ten lists in a really long time. I am not knocking Dave, I just loved the interaction between Conan and Martin.


Steve Martin’s work out video!
September 28th, 2013 under David Letterman, Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Martin has always been a slender guy and now he is revealing how he does it. It’s a work out that is so simple that anyone can do, even you! So watch the sneak peek he shared on The Late Show with David Letterman and don’t tell me that you won’t be adding this to your exercise routine.


Steve Martin knows how to make an entrance
May 7th, 2013 under Jimmy Fallon, Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Martin was on Late Night yesterday to promote his album with Paul Simon’s wife Edie Brickell and the Wild and Crazy Guy made such a grand entrance! So grand that Fallon did to Martin what Jimmy Kimmel does to Matt Damon every night and ran out of time. In fact it reminded me of when Damon was on Kimmel’s show for the first time and the ABC host read off all of Damon’s movies instead of interviewing him. And Martin’s 2 and a half minute stroll into the studio reminded me of when Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert made a triumphant walk down to Kimmel when they were on his show in Brooklyn.
I am not saying the soon-to-be-Tonight Show host copied his future competitor, just saying I see there are some resemblances to what he did.
Now when it comes to Steve Martin, it is such a feel good entrance that I just had to share it with you! Seriously didn’t it put a smile on your face? And didn’t you love the surprise cameo in the bit?


Steve Martin tries to walk off of The Late Show!
April 23rd, 2013 under David Letterman, Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Martin has been on The Late Show more times than we can count, but tonight he tried to get out of his appearance. Instead of calling it in before the show started taping, he tried to do it after he sat down on the couch. He apologized to David Letterman that he was unable to be on the show because he was in Europe. Then he got up and walked out, but one of the staffers from the CBS show stopped him and he miraculously made it back from overseas before you could say that he is a wild and crazy guy.


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