Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Steve Martin
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Steve Martin has the best fan response letter!
July 8th, 2016 under Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]

How many times have you written to a celebrity hoping that they would send you a personal letter back? They never do.
Well, Letters of Note acquired a personal response from Steve Martin, back in 1979, and the actor was anything but a Jerk. It was just as funny as the wild and crazy guy.
How could anyone not laugh if they opened up the envelope and read that? It is so simple that is brilliant. It is so Steve Martin!
I kind of want to write him to see if he would send a note back like that. Is that wild and crazy?


BTWF game shows: Steve Martin on The Dating Game
June 27th, 2016 under Before They Were Famous, Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]

Before Steve Martin was part of The Three Amigos, he was hanging with two other men who weren’t his friends on The Dating Game. It’s easy to see why the 23 year was chosen not once but twice on that game show back in 1968.


Steve Martin washed that grey right out of his hair
June 2nd, 2016 under Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]

Except for Little Shop of Horrors, Steve Martin has pretty much always had grey hair as long as we have known him. But today, he was seen not only in black tie attire, but also with black hair. So did the 70 year old going back to his roots? Only for a night and that night will be this Tuesday on his Amigo’s show Maya & Marty.
Even though it is weird to see him with different color hair, I like it. Do you think it makes him look like wild and crazy guy or a jerk?


Steve Martin doesn’t want to do The Tonight Show
March 1st, 2016 under Jimmy Fallon, Steve Martin. [ Comments: 1 ]

One of the requirements of being an actor is that you have to do press to promote your latest project. For Steve Martin that meant that he had to do The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon to promote his Broadway musical Bright Star, even though he didn’t want to. So he sang about not wanting to do it, and it is his best musical performance since Dentist from Little Shop of Horrors almost 30 years ago.
Seriously, this song and dance number was so spectacular, it is one of my Top 10 late night bits ever. Sit back and enjoy it because I know you will.


David Letterman was enjoying retirement until…
July 11th, 2015 under David Letterman, Donald Trump, Martin Short, Steve Martin. [ Comments: none ]
Steve Martin and Martin Short are touring the country together and yesterday they brought out a surprise guest in San Antonio. That person is the recently retired David Letterman. The former late night host admitted he was enjoying his new employment status until Donald Trump announced that he was running for President. So how is he going to let the world know how he feels? He joined two old friends on stage and read a Top Ten about it that will have you laughing so hard, you wish he could get his old show back! Can he?


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