Simon Cowell is in talks with Fox to bring his show X-Factor to the US according to The Hollywood Reporter. Simon’s American Idol contract is up this year and part of what they say he is negoitiating with Fox is not only that he would stay on Idol for 2 years, but that they would also add X-Factor to the lineup. The reality show mogul would make a rumored $50 million a season each for both shows. (I’m sorry, but WTF does someone need to earn $100 million a season for? And I do mean him too. No one in the world is worth that amount of money.) Now back to X-Factor, THR is also reporting that Paula Abdul is a candidate to Judge the show if Fox picks it up. Oh wait dealing with Paula again might be the reason why he is asking for that much money!
via TMZ
Before Simon Cowell was telling singers they were barking up the wrong tree on American Idol, he was performing as Wonderdog on Top of the Pops. OMG how furry was the 22 year old singer back in 1982, thankfully he started waxing by the time we got to know him. But in all seriousness his voice is as recognizable now as it was then!
The Guardian is reporting that Simon Cowell was offered somewhere between $100-$144 million to stay on American Idol for season 10 and I don't think in these economic times anyone is worth that amount of money.
A source close to Fuller says that Cowell has already been offered three to four times the $36m he was paid for American Idol in 2008 – but then, he is the most important person on the show and the series makes $900m a year and attracts audiences of 25 million. The point is that Cowell makes nothing more than this admittedly large performance fee and that's the gap the Green deal hopes to fill.
While I understand that Idol brings in $900 million a year, Fox affils are laying off people left and right and maybe if Fox put some of the money back into the company and not into Simon Cowell's pocket more people would still have their jobs and not collecting unemployment.
Don't get me wrong, I love Simon and I want to keep on the show but is anyone worth that amount of money? Do you think he is worth over $100 million to keep him on American Idol?
Simon Cowell is going to the movies! The open-shirted John Travolta wannabe Judge and reality show mogul is thisclose to getting the rights to remake Saturday Night Fever according to The Sun.
A source said: “Simon has been looking into buying the rights for years and opened discussions with Robert about the remake.
“The charm offensive has been in full swing and they made a breakthrough over the last couple of weeks.
“Robert was keen to get some assurances the original wouldn’t be completely butchered before he agreed to the deal.
“Simon has been drawing up a list of people he wants to get involved. When that meets Robert’s expectations, the contracts will be signed.”
One of the the names that they are tossing around to play Tony Manero is Zac Efron, but I think he would be a poor choice because he is not manly enough for the role.
I don’t know why, but I am OK with this remake just because Simon Cowell is the one behind it. Seriously can’t you see him watching this movie religiously and so wanting to be Tony Manero so much so he would go out in public donning that polyester look? Oh wait he still kind of dresses like Tony…