Who is the dark force stronger with Simon Cowell or Darth Vader? |
May 24th, 2016 under American Idol 1-5, Simon Cowell, Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

While most people would be excited to meet Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Hans Solo or Chewbacca, not Simon Cowell. He said, “Dreams do come true,” when he met Darth Vader. That explains so much. Now we know what made Anakin Skywalker cross over to the Dark Side. He auditioned for one of Simon Cowell’s shows and the King of Mean rejected him in his own special way.
Someone found a way to muzzle Simon Cowell! |
April 26th, 2016 under America's Got Talent, Simon Cowell. [ Comments: none ]

For over a decade, people have wondered is there a way to silence Simon Cowell and America’s Got Talent found a way to do it. They made like Silence of the Lambs, put him in a straight jacket with a muzzle over his mouth, and he never looked and sounded better. Sadly, though they freed him from his confine. It was nice and quiet while it lasted!
Simon Cowell’s son kisses his ex’s daughter! |
March 16th, 2016 under American Idol 1-5, Simon Cowell. [ Comments: none ]

Simon Cowell and Terri Seymour might not have been able to make things work out between them, but looks like their kids might have a better shot at love. The Extra TV correspondent shared a photo of her daughter Coco sharing a kiss with Eric Cowell, and it’s the cutest thing you will see all day.
I know the 1 year old girl and the 2 year old boy are decades away from getting married, but at least they have the first photo for their wedding video.
Clay Aiken goes all Simon Cowell on the American Idol judges! |
January 7th, 2016 under American Idol 1-5, American Idol 9+, Simon Cowell. [ Comments: none ]
Clay Aiken decided to watch American Idol yesterday for the first time in a long time and he had some choice words about the new judges, Jennifer Lopez, Keith Urban and Harry Connick Jr on Twitter.
Below are his Tweets:
Watching @americanidol for the first time in a decade. You never know what you’ve got til it’s gone. #idolpremiere
Well… now I know why the ratings are down. 
Oh good Lord… those boring ass responses from the judges!? Where is Simon when you need him!? That guy need a hook to pull him off stage.
It’s VERY clear now that @SimonCowell was the reason @AmericanIdol was a hit. I’ve watched root canals more entertaining than these judges.
It’s VERY clear now that @SimonCowell was the reason @AmericanIdol was a hit. I’ve watched root canals more entertaining than these judges.
Now that #Raleigh has shown out and these judges have put me to sleep! I’m changing over to watch my girl @tyrabanks on @black_ishabc
Then he explained his Tweets:
When your favorite team that you’ve cheered for for years happens to play a shitty game, you’re absolutely allowed to be upset about it.
We’re all more critical of the things we care about most.
When you really love something you only want the best for it, and you have high expectations from those you know are capable of it.
Does anyone disagree with him? I gave up the show when J-Lo joined it. I know we are not alone because the numbers kept dropping every time they added one of the current judges. Which eventually lead to the show getting cancelled after spending many seasons on top of the ratings charts.
They never should have let Simon Cowell go. The original judges knew talent and that is why no contestant has been a chart topper since the King of Mean left.
This photo actually makes Simon Cowell look nice |
December 10th, 2015 under America's Got Talent, American Idol 1-5, Simon Cowell. [ Comments: 1 ]

Simon Cowell is known as the King of Mean, but you would never know that about him from this arfdorable photo. The America’s Got Talent judge posed with his 3 puppies in front of the Christmas tree and Santa Claus moved him from the Naughty List to the Nice one after he saw it.
Seriously, doesn’t he look warm and cuddly here? You would never guess that he is the judge we love to hate!
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