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Now we know what is Mario Lopez’s Achilles heel
July 5th, 2018 under Mario Lopez, Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: none ]

Mario Lopez decided to do some sparring to start off the holiday yesterday and learned that was not a good idea. That is because he tore his Achilles heel. He spent Independence Day in the hospital on pain medicine and tomorrow he is going into surgery. Then he will spend the next few weeks hopping around.


BTWF: Lark Voorhies for Always Slender for Teens
June 27th, 2018 under Before They Were Famous, Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: none ]

Before Lark Voorheis was Saved By the Bell, she was saved by Always Slender for Teens. How cute is the 13-year-old in that 1987 ad?


Lark Voorhies goes back to the Max
June 27th, 2018 under Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: none ]

Saved By the Max opened up a temporary shop in West Hollywood and yesterday they had a surprise visitor stop by. Lisa Turtle or as she likes to go by Lark Voorhies decided to hang out at the old hangout. While things looked the same, there were a few things missing like her loverboy Schreech. Am I the only who wanted them to hook up?

When it comes to Voorhies, the 44-year-old looks amazing. So much so, I cannot believe that no network has opted to revive this show. What are the kids from Bayside High doing that they are too busy to bring back Saved By the Bell? Am I right?


Does Mario Lopez think Jesse and Slater would have gotten married?
June 20th, 2018 under Mario Lopez, Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: none ]

Mario Lopez goes from getting celebs to dish, to dishing about his days on Saved By The Bell to Today. He talked about everything from his mullet to which cast member he talks to the most. That person is Elizabeth Berkley, his girlfriend on the popular show.

So would they have wound up together? He does not think so. Slater would have explored the world and he could not do that with her. Instead, in 2018 he would be a married ex-wrestler, who is now a teacher, and has 5 kids.

If that is what we could expect from a possible revival, I am OK with them not doing one. I want him to be a Playboy! What about you?


A Good Morning, Miss Bliss reunion!
April 9th, 2018 under Reunions, Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 1987, we met Zack Morris, Lisa Turtle, Screech, and the students of Saved By the Bell needed to be saved by some adults. Those adults were Miss Bliss and Mr. Belding.

Thirty years after they started teaching those students, they had their thirtieth reunion and all we got is this photo of Hayley Mills and Dennis Haskins. I think it is a great gift. Especially since they both look so good and happy together. Maybe happy enough to bring back Saved By the Bell? Our Saturday mornings have been missing them.


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