So much has happened in Trumpland in the last week that Saturday Night Live had to bring in a whole slew of celebrities to give us the update. Ben Stiller reprised his role of Michael Cohen and Alec Baldwin returned as Donald Trump. Then there were a whole bunch of other guest stars in it too like Martin Short as Dr. Harold Bornstein, Kate McKinnon as Rudy Giuliani, Scarlett Johanssen as Ivanka Trump and Jimmy Fallon as Jared Kushner. The biggest surprise of them was Stormy Daniels as herself.
Not only was it star-studded, it was also really funny and accurate.
NBC is hosting the Emmys this year, and that means that they get to pick who is going to host the big night. They decided to go with Saturday Night Live’s Michael Che and Colin Jost and I think it is a mistake. I also think it is a mistake that Lorne Michaels is going to produce the big night.
It is not that they are not funny, I just don’t want the awards show to be too political and that is what Weekend Update is all about. For some reason, they did not go with Seth Meyers, who kicked ass at the Golden Globes. Why? I do not know.
Who else is there? I would have given it to Blake Shelton and Adam Levine. We know they are funny and they play well off of each other. If they are not up for the gig, then what about The Good Place’s Ted Danson? He screams host! Plus, he has been on TV since it started. Well, almost, but he has been on some legendary shows. Therefore, he knows television.
Why do I care so much? I don’t know. I already know I am going to hate the nominees because the Television Academy is so elitist, they never nominate shows people watch. Granted I watch a lot of bad TV!
What do you think of Colin Jost and Michael Che hosting?
This is what I am picturing. Earlier in the week, after Michael Cohen’s office was raided, someone in SNL’s writer’s room suggested that they get Robert De Niro to play Robert Mueller. Since the Oscar winner is no fan of Donald Trump, I am pretty sure he jumped at the offer.
Sometime after that, someone suggested that they get Ben Stiller to play the disgraced lawyer. They did not only ask because Stiller looks like him, but also because they can recreate that lie detector scene from Meet the Parents.
That is exactly what they did on Saturday Night Live yesterday, and I hope both men are on speed dial to reprise their roles in the future. I cannot wait for the day when Alec Baldwin and De Niro, play Donald Trump and Mueller in a cold open. Partially because it will be funny, but mostly because the investigation is nearing the end and our national nightmare will soon be over. Although, President Mike Pence is a pretty terrifying concept too.
Yesterday on Watch What Happens Live, a caller wanted to know from Jay Pharoah and Bill Hader who was the worst guest that they ever worked with on Saturday Night Live. They both did not waste their time to tell Andy Cohen that is Justin Bieber. Hader says that he thinks that singer “was in a bad place” back then and it was “rough”. I guess he will not be back on the show anytime soon.
Pharoh also revealed something he saw Kanye West do when he performed on the show. He said he watched Mr Kim Kardashian yank someone and put them in their place. Ouch!
And there you have it, an answer that was pretty obvious.
Sterling K Brown has reached a point in his career that Saturday Night Live came a knocking at his door. When he heard that knock, he did not say, “Who’s there?” Because that would be a really bad childish joke. Instead, he ran to it, flung it open and kissed the feet of the poor singing telegram guy that was there to give him the news.
In other words, his words, he said, “This is truly a dream come true. I’ve watched @nbcsnl since I was a baby. To finally get to host is one of the more surreal moments of my life, but it’s gonna be awesome. #SKBSNL.”
So mark your calendars for March 10th because that is when he is going to be hosting SNL. It should be interesting because this is the closest we have seen him do comedy since FX’s Starved and not many people laughed with that show besides me.
Seriously, I have never seen someone as excited to host the show as he is to do it. Which means he will nail it just like he does with every scene of American Crime Story: The People v OJ Simpson and This Is Us.