Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ryan Reynolds
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Is your heart healthy enough for Deadpool on Blu-ray?
May 5th, 2016 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

One of the biggest reasons that Deadpool was a huge success at the box office, was because of the brilliant marketing campaign behind it. While most studios stop promoting a film when it is no longer in theaters, Fox didn’t. They came up with a new viral video to promote this Tuesday’s Home Video release and it is just as awesome. They reimagined those terrifying pharmaceutical ads on television and gave it their own special touch. One that it is OK if the excitement it brings you lasts longer than four hours.


Deadpool shows Kanye West how it’s done!
February 20th, 2016 under Kanye West, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

A group of people really want Deadpool to host Saturday Night Live, so much so they created a petition.
Today, Ryan Reynolds took to Twitter to explain to them why he can’t. Let’s just say he once had a rant like Kanye West’s and it is 100% better than Ye’s.
So sit back and listen to it before Mr Kim Kardashian thinks you are Taylor Swift and cuts off the video.


Ryan Reynolds made James Corden cry
February 19th, 2016 under James Corden, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

James Corden thinks that Deadpool needs a sidekick, so he went to Ryan Reynolds with some suggestions. There was Ice Man, Potato Man and Ten-to-kill to name a few and I agree with the action hero when he said that they are “awful.” As soon as he told the CBS late night host heard that, he started to cry.
Mr Blake Lively felt bad and gave in to Corden. So what will Deadpool’s sidekick be? You just have to watch this all the way through to find out.


Katie Holmes answers who’s a better kisser, Dawson or Pacey?
February 18th, 2016 under Dawsons Creek, James Corden, James Van Der Beek, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

For years, many of us have pondered the question, who is a better kisser James Van Der Beek or Joshua Jackson. Yesterday, on The Late Late Show, James Corden asked Katie Holmes which of her Dawson Creek co-stars is better to lock lips with. She did her Joey smile, exposing her dimples and tried to avoid the answer. But then Ryan Reynolds chimed in and said, “I went to high school with Josh and I can honestly tell you right now he is a terrific kisser.” To which Holmes replied, “I mean, if he says so, I mean, you know.” So I guess that means we have our answer. Plus, she dated him in real life for a while when they did the show, so he had to be a good kisser or they never would’ve gone out. Right?
BTW I don’t mean to come down on the CBS late night host, but I really wish he would learn how to say actors’ names correctly. His mispronounced Susan Sarandon’s name recently and now who is Da Beek? I know, it is me being petty, but I just think it is part of the job requirement.


Ryan Reynolds goes full frontal in Deadpool!!!
February 11th, 2016 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

Ladies, as if we needed another reason to go see Deadpool this weekend, we now have it. Entertainment Weekly‘s Jess Cagle revealed in an interview with Ryan Reynolds that the actor will reveal all during a fight scene. What? His sword will be showing? Yes, it will!
You see, Deadpool is wearing just a hospital gown as he tries to escape the burning facility where he is being held and it catches on fire. Rather than have his scarred body get even more scarred, he rips off the gown.
How did he prepare his big (hopefully big) debut? He spent 8 hours in makeup. Why to make his pen!s look that beautiful. That and because like I said, his character is scarred from head to toe, and since we are seeing everything in between, everything, and I do mean everything, had to be covered up. So much prosthetic makeup was put on him, he shared that they applied it, “in places where no man needs to be there with a paintbrush.” When all was said and done, Reynolds wanted to thank the film’s makeup artist Bill Corso because, “He made my pen!s look perfect.”
How perfect? We will just have to go see Deadpool to find out. I know I am going tonight at midnight, tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday to find out. If it matches his bubble butt, then Blake Lively is lucky woman and what the heck were Alanis Morissette and Scarlett Johansson thinking when they gave him up!


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