Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Russell Brand
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The MTV VMAs actually asked Russell Brand back to host
July 14th, 2009 under Russell Brand, VH1/MTV. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Seacrest just Tweeted that Russell Brand was actually asked to host the MTV VMAs again. Did they forget how much his gig was panned last year? He is so 2008. Seriously what has he done here in The States since then? Nothing. What happened Pauly Shore wasn't available? Out of all the people out there, I am sure there had to be a better person than him to do the show. The only reason the ratings were so high is because everyone wanted to see if Britney Spears had really cleaned up her act and not for him.
If it were up to me to pick the host, I would've chosen Aziz Ansari. Now that guy is freakin' funny!!!

Where is Mark Wahlberg when you need him?
March 16th, 2009 under Russell Brand, Saturday Night Live, VH1/MTV. [ Comments: 2 ]

Once again MTV has chosen someone unfunny to host their Awards’ show. For their music awards they tapped Russell Brand with the title and now for their Movie Awards they gave the job to Andy Samberg. Besides doing skits that were only made funny because of Justin Timberlake and imitating Mark Wahlberg in Talks to the Animals, has he done anything noteworthy? And MTV wonders why they lose viewers with every Awards’ show?
The MTV Movie Awards will air on May 31st, I know you are as excited as I am about the show!


Eva Longoria weird interview with Russell Brand and Jay Leno
September 4th, 2008 under Desperate Housewives, Russell Brand. [ Comments: 1 ]

I had been reading how weird this interview with Eva Longoria was on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno where Russell Brand was also on the couch with her, and after seeing it it didn’t disappoint. About mid-way through the interview loses it when Russell Brand misheard what she said when she said PETA and thought she said pea on her. But the weirdest part comes at 7:00 in when Eva Longoria gives the men some M&Ms from her secret hiding place.
And I knew Eva Longoria was tiny, but didn’t realize how tiny she was compared to Russell’s hair.


The VMAs are going to suck
August 11th, 2008 under Britney Spears, Russell Brand, VH1/MTV. [ Comments: none ]

If these promos with the oldest Jonas Brother, Russell Brand and Britney Spears are any hint what the MTV VMAs are going to be like, they are seriously going to suck a$$ big time. Where did MTV find Russell Brand? You know it is bad when Britney is the funnier one in the promo and the better actress. How sad is that?
So if you care the MTV Video Music Awards are going to air live on from Paramount Pictures Studios on September 7th.


Britney Spears is back on The VMAs
August 8th, 2008 under Britney Spears, Russell Brand, VH1/MTV. [ Comments: 1 ]

Britney Spears is not only back on  MTV's VMAs…she is back! Seriously how amazing does she look! But it could also be because she is standing next to Russell Brand and anyone standing next to him always looks good.
Looks like Britney Spears will be making a triumph return on this year's VMAs on September 7th  on MTV! Hopefully it will be a lot better than last year, but what could ever be worse than her Gimme More performance. 
I don't care what y'all say I want the old more normal Britney back!!! 

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