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This pranks stinks like skunk!
October 13th, 2015 under Pranks, TV News. [ Comments: none ]
One of the things you have to deal with when you are a morning news anchor is live animals, of all kinds, being on the show. The other day when Kip Smith from Wildlife Encounters of Gretna was on KMTV‘s morning newscast he decided to have some fun with the anchors, Mike DiGiacomo and Mary Nelson.
Smith brought out a skunk and explained to the anchors why they spray. As he was holding the little guy, all of sudden it appeared that the skunk was spraying them. DiGiacomo was so horrified, he got up and walked out. Then Smith revealed that he was holding a little water pump and the skunk didn’t leave his scent behind.
What a stinker. This might be the best prank that anyone has done during a newscast because it is something everyone fears when they see a skunk. So imagine what it must be like when you have to be all happy and composed and that happens.
I know I would not have been able to handle that as well as they did. I would have been cursing up a storm, live TV or not.


What a horrible way to find out your are going to be a dad!
September 29th, 2015 under Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

There is a couple in the Czech Republic who love to play pranks on each other. Some are fun, but most of them leave the other person in pain or in tears. In this latest prank by the Viral Brothers, the prankster was the one left crying.
You see, Erik decided to prank his girlfriend by having her catch him in bed with his ex-girlfriend. When Domisha came home, she went into the bedroom, saw them in bed and told him “Go to hell! I don’t want a child with you.” What he didn’t know, before his fake tryst, is that she is pregnant with their child. So his prank once again backfired on him in huge way.
As soon as he realized that she just told that she is pregnant, he wanted to see if she was pranking him back since they play so many jokes on each other.
In fact, he couldn’t believe her until she took another pregnancy test and proved to him that he is going to be a daddy. That is when the waterworks really started because this pranking couple are happy that they are expecting a bundle of a joy. Hopefully, it will be born on April Fool’s Day because with these two it would be fitting.


This is even too cruel for Paris Hilton
June 28th, 2015 under Paris Hilton, Pranks. [ Comments: none ]
Some Egyptian television show thought it would be funny to prank Paris Hilton. I am all for pranks, but even I have my limits. For example, taking someone on a 15 minute plane ride and pretending like the plane is going to crash. That is not funny. How do you laugh at someone who thinks they are going to die? Even someone like Paris Hilton.


Is Chris Pratt afraid of dinosaurs?
June 20th, 2015 under Chris Pratt, Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

Chris Pratt was brave when he fought the dinosaurs in Jurassic World, but will he be as brave if he encountered on in real life. In one word, nope!
SA Wardega, who has done several pranks like Spiderdog, thought it would be fun to try their Animatronic dinosaur out on the star of this year’s biggest movie, and he was right. Pratt nearly jumped out of his clothes when the extinct reptile came out at him. Then he used a lot of curse words, which you can’t blame him because you would do the same thing if you saw a dinosaur.


Mark Wahlberg kidnapped Amanda Seyfried’s dog!
June 7th, 2015 under Jimmy Fallon, Marky Mark, Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

Amanda Seyfried loves her dog so much, she even gave Finn his own Twitter account. So when she pranked Mark Wahlberg on the set of Ted 2, he knew exactly how to get back at her. He took her dog according to what she told Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show.
One day, after a long day of filming, she got back to her trailer and the door was open. When she went inside her beloved pooch was gone. She went around looking for her best friend and no one knew where he went. That was until she asked Marky Mark, who admitted her took the pup as a prank. When she finally got Finn back, he was enjoying some chicken. Don’t worry about the dog, he was being treated very well during his dognapping. If I was going to worry about anyone it would be Mark Wahlberg because you know she is going to get him back!


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