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When did Pauly Shore turn into Richard Simmons?
September 7th, 2021 under Pauly Shore, Richard Simmons. [ Comments: none ]

So I am scrolling through my For You Page on TikTok, and I see someone that looks exactly like a young Richard Simmons. Of course, I press play, and it turns out to be Pauly Shore. The actor wants his fans to be Sweatin’ to The Weez, which is like Sweatin’ to the Oldies from the Weight Saint.

Now, I want to know when Shore turned into Simmons? Is he trying to do a movie about Simmons so that he can play him? If not, can he turn this into an exercise series for those of us who are missing Simmons, like me? He has that same energy, the afro, and the booty shorts. Maybe if he did, it would bring Simmons out of hiding. We need him back, now more than ever.

Back to Shore, doesn’t he seriously look like Simmons? It is uncanny.


Hey buddy, Pauly Shore is back doing what he does best
July 21st, 2020 under Movies, Pauly Shore. [ Comments: none ]

Back in the ’90s, Pauly Shore was doing stoner comedies like Encino Man, and everyone loved them. Then, all of a sudden he stopped.

Well, now he is back doing what he does best, making us laugh in his own outrageous way. On September 4th, he is coming home to our homes in Guest House. A raunchy comedy that also stars Mike Castle, Aimee Teegarden, Billy Zane, and Steve-O.

It is like what Neighbors wishes it could have been. Seth Rogen should bow down to the original.

It is nice to know that not everything in 2020 is going to be. Guest House is going to be the laugh we desperately need.


An Encino Man reunion!
June 8th, 2017 under Mackenzie and Sean Astin, Pauly Shore, Reunions. [ Comments: none ]

On May 22, 1992, Encino Man came out. Now, 25 years later, the two BFFs in the movie got together and took this awesome photo. Pauly Shore and Sean Astin look just as close now as they did in that movie. Too bad Brendan Frazier was not there. It would have been cool to see the trio together. Heck, maybe they will do a sequel, Encino Woman. Could you only imagine?


BTWF roles: Pauly Shore on 21 Jump Street
September 3rd, 2013 under Before They Were Famous, Pauly Shore. [ Comments: none ]

Before Pauly Shore was old enough to be In the Army Now, he was in high school on 21 Jump Street. He looks the same now as he did when he was 20 in that 1988 episode.


Pauly Shore couldn’t weasel out of this procedure!
September 3rd, 2013 under Pauly Shore, TMI. [ Comments: none ]

Pauly Shore just left me speechless with this Tweet and the photo that accompanied it. So if you have something to say about it go ahead because I can’t.
Butt I will say this, at least he finally experienced the pain we felt when we saw some of his movies.

UPDATE: Pauly Shore is live Tweeting his Colonic, so if you want updates and photos from the procedure, then you need to follow him on Twitter. I think he wins The Most TMI Thing Ever Live Tweeted Award on Twitter.


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