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Richard Simmons’ family shares what would have been his final post
July 21st, 2024 under Richard Simmons. [ Comments: none ]

Richard Simmons/Facebook

Last Saturday, Richard Simmons sadly passed away suddenly.

Before he died, he had a planned social media post ready to go with might have been a recent photo of him. However, he died before he could post it.

So this weekend, his staff posted his final words to us.

From Richard’s staff:

Hello everyone.

Richard worked very hard on his posts for you. He had many ideas and would work ahead… going back to each one making changes until he had it just like he wanted before posting.

As you know, on the weekends, he would just share a photo with a caption. He always chose his photos and wrote his captions for the upcoming weekend by Friday.

So we have the post Richard planned to share with you last Sunday. We thought you’d want to see it.

Here is the post Richard had planned for you for Sunday July 14, 2024:

“Let me fly you to the moon so we can gaze among the stars.


It is almost as if he knew.


RIP Richard Simmons
July 13th, 2024 under Richard Simmons. [ Comments: none ]

Richard Simmons passed away today at the age of 76 years old and one day. TMZ is reporting that he fell yesterday, and that might have led to his death.

Everyone knows who Richard Simmons was because he was larger than life. And what a life he led—one full of happiness and joy, which he shared with all of us.

He inspired us with his positivity. So today, let’s celebrate his life by laughing and making someone laugh. And don’t forget to exercise! That is how he wants to be remembered.

Thank you, Richard Simmons! I learned to be positive because of you.


Richard Simmons’ is getting a one hour special
June 4th, 2024 under Richard Simmons. [ Comments: none ]

Richard Simmons/Facebookk

For over a decade, Richard Simmons has been in hiding. But ever since Pauly Shore announced that he wants to do a biopic on the weight guru, Simmons has been visible on social media.

So much so that there is interest in his life story, and we will be seeing it soon.

The Weight Saint announced on social media, “I am so excited my heart can’t hide it. I just had my phone meeting with a group of people who work for a major network. They will produce a one hour special about my life. Keep you all posted. Thanks for caring.”

I hope that they do him justice and don’t fuck him over. I fear if it is the latter, we will never see him again. Not that we do, but I think we are getting close.


Richard Simmons is dying but not dying
March 19th, 2024 under Richard Simmons. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since Pauly Shore announced that he is doing a biopic about Richard Simmons, who has been living a private life since 2014, The Weight Saint has been posting on social media.

Yesterday, Simmons scared his fans because he wrote, “I have some news to tell you. Please don’t be sad. I am….dying. Oh I can see your faces now. The truth is we all are dying. Every day we live we are getting closer to our death.”

And people were assuming that meant his death was imminent. So people and the press started reaching out to the 75-year-old to see if he is OK.

“Sorry many of you have gotten upset about my message today. Even the press has gotten in touch with me. I am not dying,” Simmons wrote. “It was a message about saying how we should embrace every day that we have. Sorry for this confusion.”

So, there you have it; he is not going anywhere anytime soon.

However, today, he revealed that he has/had Basel Cell Carcinoma. Although it is a two-part post, so he did not tell us if he beat it.

Tune in tomorrow to How the Richard Simmons Turns to find out.


Richard Simmons reveals why Oprah Winfrey stopped booking him
February 26th, 2024 under Oprah Winfrey, Richard Simmons. [ Comments: 1 ]

Oprah Winfrey used to have Richard Simmons on her show all the time, but then she stopped. Today, The Weight Guru explained what went wrong.

I have a little lump in my throat as I write this. She is one of the most powerful and adored women. She is the queen of TV…an actress…producer…a book writer… and a lecturer. When she talks, everyone listens. She has billions of followers. All you have to think of is her first name. I am speaking about Oprah.

In the 80s, she flew me out to Baltimore, Maryland to do her local talk show. She greeted me with a smile and a hug. She dressed so beautifully. She was a fashionista. I still remember a long colorful silk scarf that draped around her upper body and tied on her shoulder. When I told her my story, she was interested and showed her happiness for me.

Later when she moved to Chicago, she had me on again. Again only kindness emanated from her. I watched her show every day. She could interview anybody and her audience adored her. When she walked on stage the audience went crazy.

One day she walked out pulling a red wagon …and in the wagon was some kind of lard or fat representing the amount of weight that she lost. Oprah wore a turtleneck and a pair of jeans. She radiated light.

I was coming out of a studio where I met a national gossip columnist named Cindy Adams. She was petite with perfect make up and coiffed hair. She asked me “what do you think of Oprah’s weight loss?” I replied “as long as Oprah exercises and eats healthy she will be fine.”

The next day she wrote a column and the headline was Richard Simmons thinks Oprah will gain all of her weight back and some. I never said that. She made it up to sell newspapers. I forgave Cindy because that is the kind of person that I am.

When Oprah read this I was erased from her life. I was never asked to be on her show again. She never ever forgave me for something I did not say.

I still respect Oprah. Her heart is filled with helping people just like me. I still remember the two times I did her show. I never talked to a gossip columnist again. The world is a better place because of Oprah.

I hope someone tells Mrs. O about this post, and she forgives him. Because if anyone could get him out of hiding. It is her.


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