Netflix announced today that the Gilmore Girls 4-part event will debut on November 25th. Now, we know what a lot of people will be watching on line as they camp out for Black Friday deals and get over their Thanksgiving turkey comas.
Along with announcing the premiere date, they released a new promo for the revival. In it, Lorelai asks Rory if Amy Schumer would like her. Without hesitation, the daughter tells her mom, “no.” Later explaining it is because the comedian likes to do water sports and her mother doesn’t.
The declaration got back to Schumer and she Tweeted this response, “I’ve only done 2 water sports and they took pictures of it both times. I promise I usually just lay there (sex too).” Adding, “I would love her!” So if there is a 5th part, I guess we know who is going to take a trip to Stars Hallow for some water sports.
I am one of those rare people who likes Adam Sandler’s movies. For every like 5 bad ones, there is at least one good one. That is what keeps me watching them.
Well, The Do-Over is one of those bad ones. When Netflix released a trailer called The Do-Over being Done-Over, I had to see what it was all about it. This is how the movie should’ve been.
I skimmed the plotline for the film and thought it was about two friends, who go to their high school reunion and get a do over. I thought that they died, came back and got a second chance. I was greatly mistaken.
The movie was a true horror to watch. And I am not even referring to an 83 year old Renee Taylor going topless at the end of the movie. My eyes are still not recovered.
Anyways, must move on for my eyes. Seeing The Do-Over re-imagined as a horror movie, thinks Netflix screwed up by not insisting it be done that way.
If you find yourself wanting to Netflix & Chill with this flick, then make sure to shut it off when they get to the pool scene at the end. Your eyes will thanks me.
Back when I was a kid, we had music, dancing and art classes as part of the curriculum. Over the years as schools have lost funding, they cut those type of classes out of the program. Now kids are not getting that type of education anymore.
Where are they going to get it then? Thanks to Netflix and the Jim Henson Company, Julie Andrews is going to host a show that will educate preschoolers on the Performing Arts.
During the 13 episodes, that will debut early next year, “Ms. Julie and her devoted assistant Gus (Giullian Yao Gioiello) bring the performing arts to a new generation of kids known as the ‘Greenies.’ The Greenies are a diverse group of kids who are mesmerized by all that the arts and creativity has to offer.”
Ms Andrews will be joined by Alec Baldwin, Sara Bareilles, Joshua Bell, Tituss Burgess, Carol Burnett, Chris Colfer, Robert Fairchild, Josh Groban, David Hyde Pierce, Bill Erwin, Ellie Kemper, Idina Menzel, Tiler Peck, and Stomp, and together they will teach the Greenies about things like mime, music, dance, improv, circus arts, voice and so much more.
If anyone can inspire them, it is the woman who played Mary Poppins and Maria. Hopefully this series will motivate kids to learn more than just the 3 Rs and for schools to teach them things besides that. Because there is so much more to life than just reading, writing and arithmetic.
I know that I am beyond grateful that my school was rich in performing arts classes because it made a well rounded person. I feel that kids these days are missing out by having just a basic education. I think this is just what they needed. Let’s hope we get a whole new generation of performers from this because a spoon full of performing arts, helps the boring stuff go down! Wet Hot American Summer is time traveling to the ’90s because Netflix announced today that they are picking it up for a second season. Instead of making the actors play the same age they played 15 years ago, they will get to play themselves 10 years older in Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later. Which means the 40 year olds will be playing themselves in their 20’s. Way confusing, but way funny. So prepare to see them in 1991 in 2017 because that is when the 8 episodes will air.
It has been almost 9 years since Gilmore Girls went off the air and fans have been waiting impatiently for its to return since then. Well their wait is just a little bit longer, but Netflix is bringing it back for 4-90 minute movies later this year. Little by little Netflix has been announcing which one of our favorite Stars Hollows residents are returning and now they revealed the first images from the revival. In them, you get to see Rory, Lorelai,and Luke together again just like old times. Hopefully that will calm the rabid fans down, but I think it makes them even more excited for their favorite show to come back.
Oh and in case you missed it, Melissa McCarthy announced last week that she will in fact be back as Sookie.