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This is how they make coffee in space!
January 21st, 2016 under NASA. [ Comments: none ]

Lots of people can’t function throughout the day without their morning coffee, but what happens if you are stationed on the International Space Station. Do you have to go your whole time up there without a caffeine fix because Tang just doesn’t cut it?
Well, it might not be Starbucks, but they do have coffee and ESA astronaut Tim Peake showed us they make it up there in Outer Space.
Basically, it comes in a pouch that you put in slot, push a button that fills it with hot water, and finally you put a straw in the pouch to suck up your energy drink.
It is a lot easier than what we have to go through down here. Someone needs to come with a machine like that for us non-Astronauts down on Earth. Even I could figure out how to make coffee early in the morning with that thingy.


Did Astronaut Scott Kelly share a photo of a UFO from the ISS?
November 19th, 2015 under NASA. [ Comments: none ]

The International Space Station Astronauts love to Tweet pictures from Outer Space and one photo has people wondering if they captured more than the just stars and our Planet. On Sunday, NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly Tweeted a picture of India, but some people noticed an unidentified flying object in the right corner. Is it a UFO? Is it two bright stars glowing together? Is it a comet? Is it part of the ISS? We don’t know. But if one of the Astronauts comes back pregnant like Halle Berry did in Extant, then we will have her answer.
What do you think it is?


Stephen Colbert defends Pluto to Neil deGrasse Tyson
July 14th, 2015 under NASA, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Stephen Colbert. [ Comments: none ]

Today was a big day for Pluto because NASA’s New Horizon was able to transmit images of the planet and her moon. While you and I call her planet, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Director of the Hayden Planetarium, calls her a Dwarf Planet.
Since today was her big day, Stephen Colbert thought she needed some defending. Even though his Late Show doesn’t debut on CBS until September 8th, he still interviewed the Pluto naysayer.
Was he able to convince him? I think he got him to consider adding a 9th planet to his tie, don’t you?
I would write more about their conversation, but even though Tyson and I went to same Junior High School, I have no idea what he is talking about. He went to Harvard and I went to the Harvard of the South, University of Miami. The only planet we studied there was the sun because we worshiped her. I bet you are going to go all Neil deGrasse Tyson and tell me that the sun is not a planet.


This is how they wash their hair in space!
June 2nd, 2015 under NASA. [ Comments: none ]

We saw how Karen Nyberg washed her hair in space and now we are seeing how a man does it on the International Space Station. Anton Shkaplerov shared a how to video and it is so much easier for him. Heck, maybe if we used that method in California we could get out of this drought. Not that I am suggesting that for women, but I am OK with instituting that for men with short hair! If Space ice cream is great on Earth, why can’t we try their shampooing methods too?
Shkaplerov also shared a video of how he is getting his pressure ready for Earth and he makes working out on the ISS look so cool. He looks just like he would if he was doing the same thing on Venice Beach which makes it even more out of this world! I wonder if his tracklist includes David Bowie’s Space Oddity, Adam Ant’s Apollo Nine, REM’s Man on the Moon, Elton John’s Rocket Man and/or Duran Duran’s Planet Earth?


This tribute to Leonard Nimoy is out of this world!
February 28th, 2015 under NASA, Star Trek. [ Comments: none ]

Leonard Nimoy passed away yesterday at the age of 83 and NASA took his death very hard. Today, Terry W Virts, one of the astronauts on the International Space Station decided to honor the Dr Spock. He did so by giving him the Vulcan Salute while looking out at the final frontier.
If that doesn’t say Live Long and Prosper, I don’t know what does! I know that the star of Star Trek is looking down at him, giving him the salute as he breaks the Vulcan emotional code and smiles because of all of the love he has been getting over the last day.


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