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Mandy Patinkin has some great love advice
June 6th, 2018 under James Corden, Mandy Patinkin. [ Comments: none ]

Shawn Mendes was on The Late Late Show yesterday and James Corden wanted to know if he has ever been set up on dates. The singer said he has not. That is when Mandy Patinkin told him if he meets a girl that does not know who he is, then he should marry her.

Patinkin knows about love because he has been married to the same woman 38 years. The Homeland actor revealed it was love at first sight, but he did not start dating her until the play they were in was over. That is because before that he was in a play and dated this woman who played his lover. He was head over heels for her and then she dumped him 6 weeks into a four-month production. Talk about awkward. You cannot blame him for not wanting to go through that again.

Back to his wife, when the show, that they were in, was over, he took her out to brunch and told her they were going to get married. She said she was he going to get hurt. Now almost 40 years later, she has yet to hurt him.

But wait, where is that love advice you said he had? On their first date, he gave her some yellow button mums. Why not roses? He explained, “That is my simple advice for people just starting out. Pick a cheap flower so you can afford it all through your life.” Which is very sweet. Because no matter whether the times are good or bad financially, he will always be able to bring home your flower. I would cherish that more than a dozen red roses. Well, if we married. When we are dating, I would want to dump the cheap bastard.

Ladies and gentleman, what do you think of that love tidbit?


The Great Comet’s curtain is coming down
August 9th, 2017 under Broadway, Josh Groban, Mandy Patinkin. [ Comments: none ]

Josh Groban made his Broadway debut in The Great Comet last year and Grobanites flocked to see it. But then last month he left the show and so did his fans. His replacement did not bring in the audience, so the producers hired Mandy Patinkin to replace him. When word got out, several theater people protested the decision and the Homeland actor dropped out. That controversy came at a big cost for the Tony nominated show. One so big, its last performance will be on September 3rd. Which makes you wonder if saving one person’s job was worth it, since now a lot more are out of work because of it? I think not.

When it comes to the former star, Groban had this to say about the closing on Twitter, “Broadway is better with this brilliant diverse show on it. Plain as that. See and support while you can. All my ❤️ to my comet family.”


BTWF Broadway: Mandy Patinkin in Sunday in the Park with George
April 29th, 2015 under Before They Were Famous, Mandy Patinkin. [ Comments: none ]
Before Mandy Pantinkin had a thick bushy beard on Homeland, he had an even bigger and bushier one in Sunday in the Park with George. He looks the same now as he did when he was 33 in that 1986 Broadway musical and not just because of the beard.


BTWF roles: Mandy Patinkin on Taxi
May 7th, 2014 under Before They Were Famous, Mandy Patinkin. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 14:25 in)

Before Mandy Patinkin was brave enough to work at the CIA and catch Bin Laden on Homeland, he couldn’t even handle looking at his girlfriend as she give birth on Taxi. He looks the same now as he did when he was 26 in that 1979 episode.


Mandy Patinkin loses the beard, but is that all?
December 5th, 2013 under Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Mandy Patinkin. [ Comments: none ]

Mandy Patinkin was on Live with Kelly and Michael this morning and there was something very different about him. His big bushy beard was gone and Kelly Ripa had to know what is up with happened? He told her, “I shaved it the minute that I finished the last shot!” So does that mean he just revealed a huge spoiler about Saul’s fate on Homeland? I mean he has notoriously left two other shows (Dead Like Me and Criminal Minds) after just a few seasons, so is he doing the same with Homeland? We will just have to wait until the season finale to find out…Although I think we all know what is going to happen?


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