Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Madame Tussauds
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Charlie’s wax Angels
February 20th, 2008 under Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Madame Tussauds. [ Comments: 1 ]

They really did a good job with these wax figures for Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore especially the one for Cameron. Seriously when I first I saw these pictures I really thought it was them. 

Which is the real Susan Lucci?
February 13th, 2008 under Madame Tussauds, Susan Lucci, TV Soaps. [ Comments: none ]

That wax figure of Susan Lucci is so lifelike that I wasn't sure which was the real Susan Lucci and which was the wax one. I think All My Children should steal the wax one and use it when she is she on vacation. 

How does Nicole Kidman stay so young?
December 5th, 2007 under Keith & Nicole Urban, Madame Tussauds. [ Comments: 1 ]

What is Nicole Kidman's secret? It is not botox, but her wax figure at Madame Tussauds. That wax figure is so lifelike it is scary

Even the wax version of The Beckhmas is coming to the US?
February 19th, 2007 under Madame Tussauds, The Beckhams. [ Comments: none ]

In terms of soccer skills, this David Beckham can’t hold a candle to the real one. Waxen figures of Beckham, one of the biggest soccer stars in the world, and his wife, Victoria, a former Spice Girl, were unveiled at the Madame Tussauds New York wax museum on Tuesday. The dummies, imported from London, will be on display for two weeks. Their appearance was in honor of the real Beckhams’ hotly anticipated move to the United States in the spring and took place to the strains of Neil Diamond’s "America," the museum said. Their wax figures were decked out in American flags for their U.S. debut. But they’ll don different duds for their display duties: Becks will be dressed in a tuxedo, while Posh will sport a sparkly green dress with a long slit on the side. The waxy couple will be posed at the Times Square museum with her head resting on his chest and his arm wrapped around her shoulder.


At least that version is staying on the East Coast. And is it just me or does it seem like by the UK sending both versions of them to The States that they can’t wait to get rid of them?


Madame Tussauds celebrates Britney’s divorce
November 7th, 2006 under Britney Spears/KFed, Madame Tussauds. [ Comments: none ]

Five months ago, Madame Tussauds New York lead the charge to help “Bring Back Britney” at the unveiling of their “vintage” Britney Spears wax figure (a pre-baby, pre-Federline likeness of the pop star). Today, Madame Tussauds, along with the thousands of fans who joined their cause, declare “Victory!” as news breaks of the impending Spears/Federline divorce. The divorce comes on the heels of Spears’ surprise late-night talk show appearance, where the superstar conjured up images of the “old Britney” – looking sexy and svelte. “Bring Back Britney” is an internet grassroots movement started by Madame Tussauds to restore Spears to her former glory as a sexy starlet. The campaign blitz kicked off with the unveiling of a pre-baby, pre-Federline “vintage” Britney wax figure and the release of a special internet video (done as a PSA) urging fans to log onto to sign an online petition to help “Save Britney… from herself, from her husband and from her relentless fertility.” On the website, fans can view the video, as well as print out downloadable “Bring Back Britney” picket signs and submit their favorite “vintage” Britney moments. Since the campaign’s launch, more than 2,100 fans have signed the online petition and thousands of Madame Tussauds visitors have stopped by to see the wax figure. “On behalf of the “Bring Back Britney” campaign and its thousands of supporters, we are thrilled to see Britney back in the spotlight – looking fabulous and independent,” said Janine DiGioacchino, General Manager, Madame Tussauds New York. “It’s nice to see Britney regaining her former glory as one of pop culture’s sexiest and iconic stars.”

Madame Tussauds 

I wish I knew about this site yesterday!!!


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