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Which is Eric Church and which is his wax figure?
April 7th, 2017 under Madame Tussauds. [ Comments: none ]

So many wax figures do not resemble the celebrities that they are made to look like, and now Madame Tussauds Nashville got one so right on it looks as real as the star. In fact, I can’t tell which one is Eric Church and which one his lifesize human candle. Can you tell the difference? And when you figure it out, can you tell me!


Which one is Luke Bryan and which one is his wax figure?
March 2nd, 2017 under Luke Bryan, Madame Tussauds. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, I posted a photo of Blake Shelton’s wax statute at Madame Tussauds and it looks like nothing like him.

Today, I am sharing a photo of Luke Bryan with his lifesize candle at Madame Tussauds in NYC and I can’t tell them apart. They are total twins. Can you tell the difference between them? I say it is the one not holding the guitar. Or is he the one holding it? I am so confused. Help me!


Wax on The Goldbergs son tonight!
March 1st, 2017 under Madame Tussauds, The Goldbergs. [ Comments: none ]

Back in the ’80somethings kids and teens were in love with The Karate Kid. Most of us were Daniel sons, while others were Johnnys. Tonight at 8p on ABC’s The Goldbergs, you will see the whole family become them.

The other Adam Goldberg (Oliver Cooper) at Adam F Goldberg’s (Sean Giambrone) school wants his name back and threatens our Adam to give it back to him. The other Adam challenges our Adam to a fight and Barry (Troy Gentile) comes up with a brilliant idea for them to battle it out at school. That idea is for the two of them to do Kara-te like they do in The Karate Kids movie. Only problem is our Adam doesn’t know how to do it. Luckily Barry knows a Mr Miyago who can help him out. Will it be enough for our Adam to keep his name. What will happen when Bev (Wendi McLendon-Covey) finds out about the match?

Then there is Erica (Hayley Orrantia) and Geoff (Sam Lerner), who are still trying to figure things out after they shared that passionate kiss. Will they become the couple they are meant to be? Let’s just say they realize they have more in common with one of the actors from The Karate Kid than they thought. Will that help them make their decision?

One decision that is easy, is tuning into The Goldbergs is always the right thing to do!

Make sure not to tune of the episode after we get see the real Barry do his Kara-te because there is a nice surprise for Karate Kids fans at the very end!


Blake Shelton’s wax figure doesn’t look like him!
March 1st, 2017 under Blake Shelton, Madame Tussauds, The Voice. [ Comments: none ]

Blake Shelton got his own wax figure at Madame Tussauds in Nashville and I don’t think it really looks anything like The Voice coach. The only reason why I know it is him is because of the banner behind the lifesize candle. If it wasn’t there would you know that that is Gwen Stefani Hollaback Boy?


Which is the real Marie Osmond and which is the wax one?
September 12th, 2016 under Madame Tussauds, The Osmonds. [ Comments: none ]

Donny and Marie Osmond are such staples in Sin City that Madame Tussauds Las Vegas gave the brother and sister their own wax statues. They did such a good job with the lifesize candles, I don’t know which was one is the real Marie and which is the fake. Can you tell the difference?


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