Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Kristen Stewart
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Kristen Stewart turned Seth Meyers into a lesbian!
March 27th, 2024 under Kristen Stewart, Seth Meyers. [ Comments: none ]

Seth Meyers took Kristen Stewart out Day Drinking on Late Night. And he realized by the end of their day that he likes girls. Therefore, the actress dressed him as a lesbian! And he looked more like a hipster than a lesbian. You know what, it works for him!

BTW I commend Meyers for trying to make Stewart interesting, but even lots and lots of alcohol can’t do that.


I hear Gay people seeing dead people on Living for the Dead
September 26th, 2023 under Hulu, Kristen Stewart. [ Comments: none ]

There are so many paranormal shows, and most of them are the same thing. Five white guys hamming it up for the camera.

Living for the Dead is going to liven up the genre because they aren’t like those other shows. They are going to make it fabulous!

From the creators of “Queer Eye,” five fabulous, queer ghost hunters crisscross the country, helping the living by healing the dead. As they explore some of the world’s most infamous haunted locations, they’ll shed light on those not seen and illuminate untold stories. Together, they’ll push past boundaries to bring acceptance to the misunderstood – living and dead.

I can’t wait to see how Alex Le May, Juju Bae, Ken Boggle, Logan Taylor, Roz Hernandez, and someone named Kristen Stewart bring the world of the dead to the living on October 18th on Hulu!

This is the breath of fresh air paranormal shows have been needing.


BTWF: Kristen Stewart on Access Hollywood
April 17th, 2023 under Before They Were Famous, Kristen Stewart. [ Comments: none ]

Before Kristen Stewart was one of the hottest actresses in Hollywood, she was telling Access Hollywood what she would do if she didn’t become one. How cute was the 12-year-old in that 2002 interview?


BTWF: Kristen Stewart for Porsche
March 22nd, 2022 under Before They Were Famous, Kristen Stewart. [ Comments: none ]

Before Kristen Stewart had strangers driving her around in Spencer, she was driven to school by her dad in his Porsche. She looks the same now as she did when she was 9 in that 1999 commercial.


I guess Kristen Stewart’s dog didn’t like her answer
January 28th, 2022 under Keith & Nicole Urban, Kristen Stewart. [ Comments: none ]

Nicole Kidman was interviewing Kristen Stewart for Variety. The chat between the two potential Oscar nominees was going well until one of Stewart’s dogs decided to chime in. Actually, it barked just as she was talking about a three-headed animal. It is as if the pooch knew she was talking about it. What do you think?


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