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Kim Kardashian needs looser pants
January 4th, 2013 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]
Kim Kardashian is pregnant (as if you didn’t know), so she is trying to keep into shape now so it will be easier to lose the weight after she has the baby. Only problem is she wore leggins that were so tight, you can see where the baby is going to come out and where Kanye West went in.


Kim Kardashian found a way to get ever more press!
December 30th, 2012 under Kanye West, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Kanye West will be in next year’s Kardashian Kristmas Kard because Kim Kardashian is pregnant with his child. That’s right the most over-publicized couple will be getting even more publicity. According to Eonline she is 12 weeks along which means we have 28 more weeks to know everything and more about her pregnancy.
BTW no word from E! when the fetus will be getting their own show on the network, but I am assuming it will debut in about 30 weeks.

UPDATE: Here is Kanye’s klassy way of announcing that Kim is pregnant.


Kim Kardashian gets banged!
December 19th, 2012 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

For years Kim Kardashian has had her hair all one length, but that is no longer the case thanks to Miley Cyrus’ hair butcher. While doing a photoshoot yesterday, Chris McMillan gave her the Lea Michele and she looks so much better. It actually softens her. Hopefully she will keep her locks this way and not get extensions to go back to the way she was.


Scott Disick’s face says it all!
December 18th, 2012 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

It wouldn’t be Kristmas without the annual Kardashian Kristmas Kard, so let the Kristmas Kheer begin because Kim Kardashian released it for the whole world to see.
While families around the world were forced to pose together in ugly sweaters, some of the Kardashian Klan was not there for the big day. Khloe and her husband were busy, Kendall was sick and Scott Isdick, I mean Disick, was also unavailable, so they all had to be digitally added into the picture. So if Isdick wasn’t there, then why does he look like how most of us feel about the Klan? He should be smiling, not frowning. But then again has anyone seen him with frown upside down?


Ryan Seacrest compared The Kardashians to The Brady Bunch
November 27th, 2012 under Jimmy Kimmel, Ryan Seacrest, The Brady Bunch, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Seacrest was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and Kimmel told him that he hasn’t apologized to America yet for making them the celebrities that they are today. Which I completely think he needs to do. Instead of admitting his mistake the American Idol host said they are a blessing. Then Seacrest said, “They are today’s Brady Bunch.” Kimmel and I had the same reaction, WTF are you talking about Ryan? The Brady Bunch?
Let’s see the Bradys were a wholesome family whose biggest issues were Greg smoking a cigarette, Marsha saying she got Davy Jones for the dance when she didn’t and Jan not wearing her glasses. Now let’s look at the Kardashian, Kim has a boring sex tape and her second marriage lasted only 72 days, Khloe wore a see thru shirt with no bra showing off her nipples on her first day of hosting The X Factor, Bruce Jenner had some bad plastic surgery and Kris is rumored to have cheated on her first husband. Yeah I see how they are the new Brady…not. The only way I can say they are alike is that they melded their families together, but then again when was the last time you saw Bruce’s kids from his first wife on their show or in their lives? At least on the Brady Bunch we saw both families together all of the time.
So Ryan you might think your little money makers are the new Brady Bunch, but sorry to tell you you are the only one who feels that way.
Basically what I am saying is leave The Bradys alone!!!


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