Kim Kardashian shared a photo of herself lying in bed with no makeup on and I think it’s the prettiest she has looked in a really long time. Some people look better with all of that paint on their faces and she is the opposite. Maybe if we got to see the real her more often, we might actually like her. OK, that is pushing it, but we might like her a tiny bit better.
So the newest trend on the internet is can you find something in a photo. Someone posted a photo on Bored Panda with 7 miniature versions of Kim Kardashian’s naked butt incorporated into a fruit stand. How many can you find?
I have only found two, but then I realized I am looking for Kim Kardashian’s huge a$$ and I had to stop. I like eating fruit too much to have my love for it disappear because every peach I see will be remind her of her bum.
Prince very rarely appeared on television, let alone a sitcom. But the late singer was a fan of New Girl, and he made a guest appearance on it. The writers wrote a party scene for him, and they invited a few celebrities to be on that episode. Two of the celebrities they asked were Kris Jenner and Khloe Kardashian, but wait you don’t remember seeing them on that episode?
Zooey Deschanel explained why we didn’t see them to Conan O’Brien on his TBS show yesterday. The adorkable actress said that on the day of Prince’s taping, she was studying her lines when a PA came in and frantically asked for the all scripts and call sheets. Then when she went outside she saw that PA burning all of the papers she just took. Turns out, when Prince’s people asked which celebrities were going to be on the show, Deschanel says that they said they hope it isn’t a Kardashian. Thus, why there was no evidence of them ever being on that special episode.
We all know that Prince was a genius, this is just further proof of that.
Kim Kardashian shared a photo of Kanye West and her going to a friend’s wedding and said, “My cutie.” No one is looking at him because they are too busy looking at her cuties.
If you stop staring at her chest for a second to look at his, then you will wonder why can’t he wear a tie. A man in a suit looks better with one. Don’t you agree?
We all know that the OJ Simpson case was bizarre. Just when you think it can’t any weirder it does. Author Ian Halperin, who is doing a documentary on The Juice and wrote a book about The Kardashians, did a shocking interview with The Sun.
He revealed that if OJ is released on parole next year, he will pursue his 30 year old crush on the now single Kris Jenner. But it doesn’t stop there, he also claims that, “OJ is obsessed with Caitlyn. He is struck by how she has captured the hearts of the world and said with a straight face, ‘When I get out of here I would consider dating her too’.”
And yet there is even more, Halperin said, “He is going to pitch to them about getting a spot on the show. He is broke, he needs money and he feels his only chance to get back on TV — which is his dream — is to hook up with his old ‘family’.”
I would believe all of this if he didn’t have ties to both and is trying to get press and sell what he has done with them. Why post it then? Because it is so outrageous, I want it to be true.
Do I think if Simpson got out of jail next year, he would have a chance with either Jenner? Hell no. Do you?