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Are David Beckham and Kevin Hart auditioning for Twins?
July 6th, 2015 under Kevin Hart, Strange Encounters, The Beckhams. [ Comments: none ]

For some reason Kevin Hart and David Beckham spent Saturday together. OK, that is weird enough, but it gets even stranger because the two of them wore not, but two outfits that looked exactly alike. Why? They wouldn’t tell us, so we just have to assume. I am assuming that they are audition for the Twins remake that is not in the works. But then again Posh Spice might have reason to be jealous because they say couples who dress alike, stay together. So maybe they might have something to tell us?


The Rock and Kevin Hart’s dueling Instagram videos: Part 2!
July 2nd, 2015 under Kevin Hart, The Rock. [ Comments: 1 ]

A video posted by therock (@therock) on

The Rock and Kevin Hart are currently filming their movie Central Intelligence and the Instagram junkies have been dueling with each other when it comes to posting videos on the social media site from the set. Last week, they both shared videos that they shot at the same time when they were suspended in the air, and yesterday they both filmed themselves when production was halted due to a smoke emergency. Even though both of them were saying the same exact thing back to back, neither one liked the other other stealing his thunder. So things got heated between them and then the fire department had to also extinguish the smoke coming out from between their ears.
I don’t know what it is about these videos, but I find them absolutely brilliant. Their comedic timing and fake anger works for me. I am thinking if they ever reboot Twins, these two would be perfect for it. Or better yet Rain Main? Although who would play Raymond? What about Of Mice and Men? The options are endless. What movie would you want to see these two do?


Kevin Hart and The Rock’s dueling Instagram videos!
June 26th, 2015 under Kevin Hart, The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

A video posted by therock (@therock) on

Kevin Hart and The Rock are filming their movie Central Intelligence, and today the two men were suspended 50′ off the ground. What can you do when you are flying high like that with no where to go while you wait for them to set up the shot? If you are these two, then you record a Instagram video and curse the other one out as you claim you have the better fans.
It’s easy to be all high and mighty when the other person can’t reach you, but if I were Hart I’d be afraid when I’m back down on Earth. Because back when you are standing on two feet, DJ could not knock you off of them before you can say the word fans. Not that he would, but he could since he has football player and wrestler on his resume.
Which video do you like better? I am biased towards my alum, Dwayne Johnson. Even though I am DJ girl, I still think that these two friends should host the Oscars this year. Could you imagine how hysterical it would be?


Kevin Hart can lift a man twice his size!
April 7th, 2015 under Conan O'Brien, Kevin Hart. [ Comments: none ]

First Lady Michelle Obama challenged Conan O’Brien to her Gimme Five challenge and he accepted her dare to do 5 whole chin-ups. He made a video of himself doing it because no one would ever believe he did it if they didn’t see it for themselves. Only problem is the cameraman panned down and we got to see how he was able to achieve the goal. He had Kevin Hart lifting him up on his shoulders. Which is really impressive because Hart is smaller than your average man and Conan is taller than one. I am pretty sure the TBS late night host is twice Kevin’s size. So if I were Conan, I would be embarrassed that a man that is half his size is twice as strong as me!
Sorry to ruin the punchline of the joke, but I was blown away by Kevin’s strength.


Did Kevin Hart unintentionally diss Conan O’Brien?
March 25th, 2015 under Conan O'Brien, Kevin Hart. [ Comments: none ]

Kevin Hart was talking about a time he didn’t get the reaction he wanted after a live gig, and Conan O’Brien sympathetically said to him, “Sometimes getting no laugh is much funnier than get a laugh.” Hart responded with, “For you, cause you understand, but you know…” The TBS host was like, “What do you mean for me? What the hell is that?” It was then that Hart realized what he just said, and he started laughing uncontrollably because he explained that is not what he meant.
But was it? Here’s a clip from earlier on Conan, when a joke during his monologue found him swimming in unfunny waters. Although I will admit, I laughed hard at it because Conan makes me laugh the hardest out of all of the late night hosts.
So watch both clips and tell me if Hart was right or not?


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