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John Cena was bullied as a kid
July 5th, 2024 under John Cena, Kelly Clarkson. [ Comments: none ]

John Cena is one of the most famous wrestlers in the World. However, he told Kelly Clarkson on her show recently that when he was a kid, he used to get bullied because he was scrawny and his choice of style and behavior was a little bit different than everyone else’s.

So, he shared with the daytime talk show host how he got the other kids to stop bullying him. “Instead of throwing my hands up and just doing nothing. I said, ‘What can I control? I control how I can conduct myself. I am going to start working harder to defend myself,'” he said. “And instead of physical self-defense, I built my physical appearance to be a little more intimidating. And it worked. And I stopped getting picked on.”

Does he regret his past? “I look back at those days fondly. Because my life takeaway from that is to control what you can and better your situation to the best of your ability. And if you can’t better the situation, then distance yourself from it.”

Those are such wise words, and kids need to hear them because it will help them get through the stage where kids are assholes.

I am sure all of Cena’s assholes watch him on Peacemaker or at the Oscars and regret what they did to him. Because, as Taylor Swift says, all they will ever be is mean.


Lawrence Zarian plays a prank on Kelly Clarkson
May 30th, 2024 under Kelly Clarkson. [ Comments: none ]

Lawrence Zarian has become a regular guest on The Kelly Clarkson Show, so the host has gotten to know him.

But how well has she gotten to know him is something he wanted to see. So he switched places with his twin brother, Gregory, to see if she would know the difference.

Did she? Not at first. But eventually, she was able to tell he was acting differently.


Guess who that girl is with Kelly Clarkson?
April 5th, 2024 under Guess who?, Kelly Clarkson. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who that lucky one is, then click here!


Someone asked Kelly Clarkson for her autograph when she was shitting
April 4th, 2024 under Carol Burnett, Kelly Clarkson. [ Comments: none ]

The other day on The Kelly Clarkson Show, an audience member asked what was the strangest fan interaction she, Carol Burnett, and Kristen Wiig ever had.

Clarkson started it off and said it was when she was going to the bathroom. The host was doing #2, and someone slowly slipped a piece of paper and a pen underneath the stall. What did she do? She signed it.

What made this even creepier was that the woman never said a word to her. How shitty is that?

Burnett also had an experience like that. However, in her case, it was a little girl who stuck her head under the stall and asked, “Are you Carol Burnett?” What could she do but say yes?

Would you ever ask a celebrity for their autograph when they were on the porcelain Gd?


Kelly Clarkson forgot she did a Rom-Com
March 22nd, 2024 under Jake Gyllenhaal, Kelly Clarkson. [ Comments: none ]

Jake Gyllenhaal was on The Kelly Clarkson Show and she took credit for the actor getting Roadhouse remake. The last time he was on her talk show, she called him a bouncer because of a summer job he had as a kid. So, she feels she manifested it.

Then, he said he was responsible for her moving to NYC because he told her to visit.

Finally, she told him she wants to do a Rom-Com. But did she forget she did one? As much as we all would love to forget, From Justin to Kelly, it will always exist.

Therefore, Gyllenhaal should give her a do-over. Would you go see From Jake to Kelly in the theaters?


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