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Pete Davidson is hoping Kanye West does a Mrs. Doubtfire
May 6th, 2022 under Kanye West, Pete Davidson. [ Comments: none ]

For those of you who are lucky enough not to know this, Kim Kardashian is getting a divorce from Kanye West, and she is now dating Pete Davidson. Needless to say, Kanye is not happy about that. So much so that he has made music videos killing off the Saturday Night Live star.

Well, Davidson has not said publically responded to those attacks. However, that is now past tense because yesterday he made a few jokes about his rival at the Netflix Is a Joke festival.

One of Kanye’s first digs was that Davidson has AIDS. Well, Davidson believed him, so he went to his doctor to get tested. The good news is that he doesn’t have it. The bad news is that he looks like he does. And he really does.

But the jokes didn’t stop there. Davidson also is secretly hoping that Kanye does a Mrs. Doubrtfire. Which is totally possible because with the amount have nannies Kim has raising her four kids, Ye could totally blend in, and no one would notice. Well, maybe his four kids. So, I hope he does it.

And with these jokes, Kanye should have learned not to mess with a comedian.


Kanye West disinvited from the Grammys after what he said about host Trevor Noah
March 19th, 2022 under Kanye West, Trevor Noah. [ Comments: none ]

It has been an interesting week for Trevor Noah and Kanye West, and it isn’t ending the way they thought.

On Tuesday night, Trevor Noah made an impassioned plea that we should be more supportive of abused women like Kim Kardashian. If someone like Kim cannot protect herself from her estranged husband, Kanye West, how can the average woman do it?

Well, when Kanye heard about what Noah said, he used racial slurs against the host of The Daily Show on Instagram. There were so many complaints about it on Instagram that Meta suspended West for 24 hours over it and his other posts.

That seemed like it would have been the end of it, but it was not. Late yesterday, The Grammys told Kanye he is no longer welcomed. According to The Blast, insiders of the music awards show said they did it because of “concerning online behavior.”

However, they didn’t add that “concerning online behavior” was towards the show’s host, Noah. So, almost everyone can understand their decision. I would do the same.


Is this Kanye West’s new spank material?
March 16th, 2022 under Kanye West, Pete Davidson. [ Comments: none ]

In case you have been living under a rock, Kanye West has been fantasizing about killing his estranged wife’s boyfriend, Pete Davidson. So much so that Ye has killed off the SNL star in his music videos via animation.

While he has not been able to do it in person, the director of Davidson’s latest film has. Yesterday, the actor was photographed covered in blood after filming a scene for the movie The Home.

As soon as I saw this photo, I just pictured Kanye masturbating to it. Which, I have to admit, was not a pretty picture. And it is an image I cannot get out of my head.


Kanye West wants to legally go by YE from now on
August 25th, 2021 under Kanye West. [ Comments: none ]

Kim Kardashian will legally ask a judge to remove West from her name after the divorce. While her soon-to-be ex-husband is asking one to get rid of the Kan and West from his.

He filed papers in LA to legally only go by YE from now on, according to Today.

I bet a judge will grant his request long before he releases Donda.


It has suck to be a Kanye West fan
August 6th, 2021 under Kanye West. [ Comments: none ]

Kanye West has been promising he is going to release

Donda for over a year. He gives a release date, throws listening parties at a high cost to his fans, and then never releases the album.

They stay up late waiting to download it, and nothing.

If I were his fan, I would move on. How many times does he have to fool you before you like f*ck off?

He keeps getting richer and richer with your money, and you get nothing out of it. Seriously, how much more money are you going to throw at him before you realize he doesn’t give a sh!t about his fans?

There are plenty of artists who keep their promises and give back to their fans. He is just not one of them.

BTW I think there is a better chance that Kanye will be abducted by aliens (like he was last night) than releasing the GOAT of records.


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