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Is there a West Wing reboot in the works?
January 18th, 2023 under Joshua Malina. [ Comments: none ]

The West Wing is one of the most iconic shows ever to have graced our television sets. So much so, fans still talk about it and have wanted new episodes ever since the series ended in 2006. But will that ever happen?

Joshua Malina, who played Will Bailey, gave a promising update. The actor wrote, “Got back on Twitter just in time to talk about The West Wing reboot. Details soon!”

Since Malina is a practical joker, I will wait to hear it from Bradley Whitford’s mouth before I believe it.

But you never know. You have to give the fans what they want, and they want more of this political drama. Is Aaron Sorkin finally ready to give them want? We just have to wait and see.


Joshua Malina had a run in with a ceiling fan and lost
August 7th, 2018 under Joshua Malina. [ Comments: none ]

Even though Joshua Malina wants to do a West Wing revival, he should really be trying to get one for ER. That is because the actor has recently been there twice. He explained, “Second trip to the ER this month, after dropping a heavy weight on my foot and shattering the bone a few weeks back. Whee!”

And whee explains his second visit. He somehow jumped into a ceiling fan and cut the top of his head open. Therefore, he spent yesterday getting stitches in his head.

Hopefully, the blade knocked some common sense into him because who jumps into a ceiling fan? They are kind of hard to miss.

And he needs to be careful with everything he does because you know what they say, hospital visits come in threes.


Is West Wing the next revival?
July 12th, 2018 under Joshua Malina, Revivals-Reboots. [ Comments: none ]

Joshua Malina shared a photo of him eating dinner with the West Wing creator Aaron Sorkin and castmates, Bradley Whitford and Janel Moloney, from the political drama and wrote, “Talking reboot.”

Since Malina is known as a huge prankster, we have to take the post with a grain of salt. Since there is salt on the table, that may or not answer the question.

Seriously though, I would love to see Sorkin work his magic again with this show in this era, but I do not want to see on a broadcast channel. I think it would do better on cable or streaming because they will have the freedom to take it to a place where NBC would never let him go. What do you think?


The scandalous prank Shonda Rhimes played on Joshua Malina
January 18th, 2018 under Joshua Malina, Shonda Rhimes. [ Comments: none ]

You know how Shonda Rhimes likes to kill off her actors, well imagine her pranking you with your character’s death? One of the stars on her shows does not have to imagine that.

Tony Goldwyn was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and he shared a story from one of the Scandal table reads. The actors on the show do not get their scripts until the table read. While almost all of them read it front to back to find out what happens next, Joshua Malina reads the last page first. This would infuriate the cast. Then one day Shonda Rhimes had a solution to get him to stop. She wrote a last page just for him and it said that they were killing off David Rosen. Taught him a lesson and gave everyone else a hearty laugh.

BTW Goldwyn also revealed that if you character is getting killed off, Rhimes calls you to office and let’s you know ahead of time. Unless you constantly read the last page of the script first.


The Scandal cast is afraid of their characters dying
September 25th, 2014 under Ellen DeGeneres, Joshua Malina, Shonda Rhimes. [ Comments: none ]

The cast of Scandal was on The Ellen DeGeneres Show today and she asked them if it’s true that they don’t find out until table read day what happens next. That includes if their character is about to be killed off. Joshua Malina has a solution for that, he reads the last page first to make sure it isn’t him. Well last year, the notorious prankster found himself pranked when he read what appeared to be that David was going to be killed off. As we all know, David survived and James didn’t.
Who’s next? We don’t know. But they have a good chance of surviving as long as they don’t call any of their castmates hateful names or get arrested in real life. See Isaiah Washington and Columbus Short.



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