Before Joel McHale was defending intoxicated drivers on Community, he was defending the environment on Almost Live!. He looks the same now as he did when he was 24 in that 1996 variety show episode.
Community got some much needed press as the season was ending, it just wasn’t exactly the exposure they were looking for. So when Joel McHale was on The Late Show, David Letterman took the opportunity to find out what happened between Chevy Chase and former-show runner Dan Harmon. He didn’t exactly give any details about that, but he did share the time he beat up Chase per Clark Griswold’s request. Let’s just say Fletch didn’t flinch and because of that he suffered shoulder. Seriously what was Pierce Hawthorne thinking? I mean he has seen Jeff Winger without a shirt so he should’ve known how muscular he is. Believe me I have studied those muscles and I know I am not the only one who went to Community College for that course.
Alison Brie was on Conan O’Brien this week and she talked about comparative pictures she Tweeted a while ago. She thinks that her cleavage looks a lot like Joel Mchale’s perky butt crack. I don’t know if that is a compliment or not, but it scary how much alike they look.
And you know what that got me wondering which celebrity’s butt crack my cleavage looks like? I am going with Andy Richter’s. So women whose star’s butt crack looks like your cleavage and men which starlet’s chest looks like your bum?
So my Community of readers look at the pictures below and see if you tell which picture was taken from the front and which one was taken from the back?
Before Joel McHale has chemistry with the ladies on Community, he knew a lot about chemistry for Bill Nye, the Science Guy. You can barely recognize the 26 year old actor dressed as a nerd in that 1998 episode.