Robert Irwin was on The Tonight Show yesterday and he brought some friends with him. Friends like 4 large cockroaches. Jimmy Fallon did not like that.
What he did like was when they brought out a baby camel who has a special way of greeting others. She likes to rub noses when she meets someone and Fallon was no exception. Maybe a little because she kissed his schnoz. Which means she liked his lovely manly bumps!
Whenever I see JoJo Siwa still wearing her hair in a high ponytail with a huge bow at 15, I think she needs to give it up already. It was cute when she was a kid, but she is in high school now. It is more sad than cute.
Then yesterday when she was on The Tonight Show yesterday, she told him that she has sold over 45 million of them this year alone. As soon as I heard that, my bow was off to her. That is beyond crazy.
She had my respect until she explained their purpose. She says if you wear one, then you are a member of the Siwanator. That means you are “strong, confident, powerful. You believe in yourself. You believe in everyone. You love everyone. You support everyone.” Then she added, “Say you are at school and you do not have anyone to sit with at lunch. And you see a kid wearing a Jojo bow, you know you can sit with them because they are Siwanator.” Teens, is that true these days? I don’t remember having friends because we bonded over wearing the same thing? It is a nice theory, but I just don’t believe that. Do you?
When it comes to Jojo, was she this annoying when she was on Dance Moms? I get it, she is 15 and she is full of energy, but I am exhausted after watching that.
Dwayne Johnson sent Jimmy Fallon a Christmas present and it finally got The Tonight Show host yesterday. What was it? The Rock sent him a 250 lbs rock. Why? To see if Fallon can pull his own weight like the contestants on The Titan Games. Can he? Of course not! That is why he got some help from people on the NBC show. Which is kind of a metaphor because no talk show host can do one all by himself.
What happens to the rock, the one that weighs 10 pounds less than The Rock? Look for a rock outside of 30 Rock.
Jimmy Fallon is not the bravest of people. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Thus, it seems pretty interesting that he decided to try zip lining in Puerto Rico. Not just any ordinary zip line, but The Monster which, according to the website is the “longest zip line in America, with a 2.5km (2530m, 8300ft, 1.57mi) cable, equivalent to 28 football fields.” During certain points on the ride, he is flying at around 100MPH.
Therefore, you would expect him to say it and then do it in his pants as he whizzed on by all of those trees below him. How did he do? You just have to see it to believe it. That and to see all the beauty he witnessed as it all zoomed right by him.
I have to say I have a whole new respect for him for doing this. I do not know if I could be as brave as he was. Would you be as brave?
BTW the NBC host brought The Tonight Show to Puerto Rico to interview Lin-Manuel Miranda, who is there doing special performances of Hamilton to raise money for the victims of the hurricanes that devastated the island.
The Tonight Show is normally the warm and fuzzy late night show, but yesterday they did a bit with Bryan Cranston and Jimmy Fallon that gave me the creeps.
I read that they did some high school musical thingy, and I was like swell. But what The Upside star did was from hell. It is not that he is not the best singer. It was what they had him singing about. Were the writers smoking what he made on Breaking Bad? That is the only excuse I can come up with for that mess.
On a positive note, Cranston can really shake his hips!