For the last few months we have seen Ashton Kutcher with a mustache and it is not for a role. Then why would he do that to his model face? Revenge!
Who is he getting revenge on? He told Jimmy Fallon on tonight’s Tonight Show that it is wife. He went to a birthday party of an English singer and she told him it was a ’70s themed one. Therefore, he went as the late Burt Reynolds from Boogie Nights. He thought he was looking fly.
There was just one problem, Mila Kunis got the decade wrong, It was a ’30s New Year’s Eve party. Which means he was totally out of place but didn’t show it. He just acted like everything was groovy.
That was the party. When he got home, he got revenge on his wife by deciding not to shave off the pornstache he grew for the party. You have to wonder who is suffering more because of it? Jackie who has to look at it even though she likes it or Kelso that has to go around in public looking like that even though he hates it? To me, he is the loser of the two because only select people look good in a stache and he is not one of them.
Yesterday on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon and Kendall Jenner played Pour It Out. The game is quite simple. There are three shots on top of coasters. On those coasters is a question. They have to answer the question out loud that they just read to themselves. Then after they do that, they have to reveal the question to the audience or drink the shot.
Jenner’s questions were boring. However, the NBC host gave an answer that he had no choice but the reveal the question. That is because his answer was “smaller than you think.” Which made us all think he was referring to his microphone. And I am not talking the one he talks into.
But that was not the question. He was describing what it was like when he first saw Madonna. When it comes to that other thing, he said it is “tiny and perfect,” just like Madonna.
Before John Travolta was dancing the night away in Grease, Saturday Night Fever and Pulp Fiction, to name a few of his movies, he was swinging his hips on Welcome Back, Kotter. Can he still move like he did when he was in his early 20’s?
Yesterday, when he was on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon challenged him to a Travolta-off. Basically, the two men went head-to-head to see who could do the better Travolta. Of course, Travolta won. I mean, how could he lose since he is the OG.
Anyways, for the last imitation, they both did Vinnie Barbarino together and ended with his character’s signature number. Even though Travolta is a brand new senior citizen at 65, he can still boogie like he did 40 years ago. Which brings me so much joy.
Actually, the actor is just pure joy. It is hard not to smile when you watch him do his thing. If he did not turn your frown upside down, then up your nose with a rubber hose!
To see him do the Barbarino back in the ’70s, then click here!
Back in the ’80s, exercise was becoming the latest trend and everyone was doing aerobics. It is not like how they do it today. Instead, it is like what they do now but on speed. When you said you were going for a workout, they meant it.
Yesterday on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon and Kate Upton tried to do Jazzercise. How did they do? Good thing there is a medic on standby. I don’t know if it is due to exhaustion, klutziness or a mixture of both. A mixture of both with a lot of laughing on the side.
Not everyone can do Jazzercise. Which is why we leave it to Jon Bon Jovi who does it better than everybody.
When I think of Jimmy Fallon, I think of football. No, I don’t, but NBC does. Starting on September 8th, The Tonight Show will air following football.
He will have big named guests like Jamie Foxx, Michael B. Jordan and Kelly Clarkson.
He will have 4 more special episodes. They will air 3 in October and one in December.
In all seriousness, I think this a smart move. Maybe next, they will let Seth Meyers do the shows. Especially with the Presidential election is around that time.