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BTWF ads: Jeremy Renner for Duracell Batteries
July 25th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, Jeremy Renner. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jeremy Renner was the powerful Hawkeye in the Avenger movies, he got his power from Duracell Batteries. He looks the same now as he did when he was 19 in that 2000 ad.


Jeremy Renner is monkeying around!
July 25th, 2017 under Jeremy Renner. [ Comments: none ]

Jeremy Renner had some monkey business to do, so he put on a monkey suit, climbed the monkey bars aka a tree limb and posed with a monkey! You know how they say that dogs and their masters start to look alike, I think in this case Hawkeye looks a lot like the primate. Which is a good thing because I think they are such sweet awwwdorable creatures! Do you see the resemblance or is just me?

In case you were wondering how this photo came about, he is doing press for his movie Wind River that is out on August 4th.


Jeremy Renner broke both arms filming a stunt
July 7th, 2017 under Jeremy Renner, Marvel Comics, Sick Bay. [ Comments: none ]

Jeremy Renner broke not one, but both of his arms while filming the movie Tag. According the Variety the actor showed up to the Karlovy Vary Film Festival with both of his arms wrapped up and everyone wanted to know what happen.

What happened? He revealed that he fractured his right elbow and his left wrist while filming a stunt for the film. Ouch, double ouch. But do not worry, he says that the tough breaks will not slow him down. After all he is Hawkeye and nothing can stop him.


Jeremy Renner told Mark Hamill he had his face on his underwear!
May 5th, 2016 under Jeremy Renner, Jimmy Fallon, Marvel Comics, Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

A few weeks ago, Jeremy Renner met his childhood idol at the premiere of Captain America: Civil War in London. But he told Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show yesterday that he didn’t recognize him at first. In fact, he though Luke Skywalker was a homeless man because of the beard he has grown for the franchise. When someone told him that the bearded man was Mark Hamill, he peed a little in his pants and his co-star Elizabeth Olsen cried. Then he told the Star Wars favorite, “I had you on my underwear. Your face was on my underwear.” Instead of being weirded out by it because I am sure he has heard that a million times, the two exchanged action figures.
Even though Mark Hamill is in London filming Star Wars Episode VIII, he heard about this interview. How did he react it? He Tweeted, “Once @Renner4Real realized I wasn’t #HomelessHamill he rocked! I cried meeting #ElizabethOlsen too (but didn’t pee).” Even though he has been in four of the biggest movies of all time, he is still a nice warm dude who loves his fans. Proving the Force is strong with him.


Jeremy Renner has Donald Trump’s hairstyle
May 13th, 2013 under Bad Hair, Jeremy Renner. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Jeremy Renner is filming his new movie American Hustle and I can’t stop looking at his hair. It’s like they gave him Donald Trump’s hairdo and it’s just as ugly on him. Although Hawkeye looks so much better with it.


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