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Jason Momoa and James Corden spend a man’s day together
November 7th, 2019 under James Corden, Jason Momoa. [ Comments: none ]

When you think of Jason Momoa, you think of him as a manly man. When you think of James Corden, you do not. What happens when this odd couple spends 2 hours together doing whatever Aquaman wants? A lot of laughs and an arrow to the head William Tell style.

The actor showed up to get the Late Late Show host at CBS studios and take him to their first destination. Since it is the action star, they have to travel in style on a hog. Corden being Corden, he wound up being his new friend’s side piece.

Then they got to an area where Momoa got to show off his arrow skills. What better way to do it than to recreate the William Tell moment while wearing a blindfold. How did things go? The good news is Mr. Lisa Bonet got the apple.

Finally, it was time for Momoa to teach Corden how to use a whip. Even an S&M artist could do a better job on their first try.

After all of that, the last manly thing that Corden did could not be shown on broadcast television. Let’s just say, don’t be surprised if he becomes a dad again in 9 months.


Jason Momoa almost missed the birth of his first child
October 17th, 2019 under Jason Momoa. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 2007, Jason Momoa was looking forward to the birth of his first with his childhood crush Lisa Bonet. He was filming Stargate in Canada and she was back in the States. Everything was going fine until her water broke early. That is when he tells Esquire he almost missed Lola’s birth.

It was a very hot July day, and his place had no air conditioning. Therefore, he was sleeping by the window and did not hear his phone ring, 70 times. When he finally woke up, he found out Bonet was labor. He called the producer on the show and they told him to get on a plane and go.

That is what he did. He got the last seat on the plane and it was all the way in the back. Then he told the stewardess, “‘Listen, I’m having a baby—make sure everyone sits down so I can get off the plane first.’” When they landed, everyone sat and let him out first. That sh!t never happens.

Then he was, “running through the airport, and I get in the car. I go, like, ‘Dude, I don’t care, run all the lights . . . I’ll pay for everything.’ And I made it in the nick of time. I had about two hours with her in the tub, and my baby girl was born.” This is one of the rare times when the father has a better story birthing story than the woman who is giving birth.

Now that we got that story out of the way, let’s talk about how Momoa makes ironing look hot. Hotter than the iron set on its highest setting. Sizzle!


Jason Momoa dumped his beard
April 18th, 2019 under Jason Momoa. [ Comments: none ]

Jason Momoa and his beard broke up. Not him and Lisa Bonet but him and his facial hair. Why did Aquaman go smooth? He wanted to get the word out there that aluminum cans are the future and plastic water bottles are the past. Airlines are you listening?

When it comes to how he looks without his beard? He looks hot either way. I think we can all agree, we will take him any way we can get him.


When are we going to get a Shazam and Aquaman buddy movie?
March 28th, 2019 under DC Comics, Jason Momoa, Zachary Levi. [ Comments: none ]

Jason Momoa was walking around town when he saw a poster for Shazam. He is so proud of his friends’, Peter Safran and Zachary Levi, work that he had to pose with it. Then he wanted to remind you to go see the movie on April 5th, just like you saw his film Aquaman.

Which makes you wonder when are they going to do a feature together. I want to see the lighter side of DC Universe working together instead of the darker versions. Who is with me?

BTW how awwwwwdorable is Momoa when he smiles big like that?


Jason Momoa doesn’t need a shirt!
February 25th, 2019 under Helen Mirren, Jason Momoa. [ Comments: none ]

Jason Momoa wore a shirt at the Oscars, but as soon as it was over he took it off. His pink velvet tux looks even better without that distracting white cotton button down. Then again, he would look even better without the suit, but rules are rules.

On that note, everyone thought he matched his Fendi scrunchie to his custom made tux by the late Karl Langerfield, but that was not the case. Aquaman wrote, “Love to send my deepest aloha to @karllagerfeld RIP @silviaventurinifendi @jeanneyangstyle for taking my pink velvet scrunchie and turning it into a suit. Unko KARL your a legend. Mahalo for my first suit.” What a first suit to own!

I wish I could have turned someone of my old Scrunchies into dresses. I used to try to match them to my clothes but it never truly worked.

What did work, was Momoa’s chemistry with his fellow presenter Helen Mirren. The actor shared a photo from their rehearsal and it is even better than what we saw during the actual show. To see it, then click here!


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