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Do Jennifer Lawrence’s boobs look uneven to you?
February 4th, 2013 under Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence. [ Comments: none ]
Last week Jennifer Lawrence was on Jimmy Kimmel Live and she told him that she just realized that her breasts were uneven when she went to get an X-Ray of her lungs. So looking at these photos of her at 28th Annual Santa Barbara International Film Festival, do you think her breasts look uneven to you? I think that jump suit makes right boob look higher than the left one, don’t you concur?


Jennifer Lawrence had an elderly stripper stick her boob in her mouth
November 20th, 2012 under Hunger Games, Jay Leno, Jennifer Lawrence. [ Comments: none ]

Jennifer Lawrence was on The Tonight Show and she said the word boobs a lot during her chat with Jay Leno. First she was told the NBC host about the time she got into a car accident in Georgia. She saw women wearing stashes that said “boobs”, but she thought it said “Boo Boo” for Honey Boo Boo Child. Then she saw a little girl and thought it was the biggest star of Toddlers & Tiaras, and crashed into the car in front of her. Luckily there was no damage to any car, but her pride definitely suffered a ding.
Although that was pretty bad, that was not the worst of what happened to her when she was there. She also shared the story how she went to a dive bar with older strippers and one of the women decided to give her a lap dance. Then the woman told her not to touch as she bent over and stuck her boob in Katniss’ mouth. Gives new meaning to Hunger Games don’t you think?
I think it is refreshing to see a young star like her be so personable on a talk show and not uplight like so many of the other ones that are part of a franchise that just ended.


This would get me to see Hunger Games
March 23rd, 2012 under Hunger Games, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Hunger Games is the new Twilight/Harry Potter and yet I am not tempted to see it. That was until last night when Jimmy Kimmel Live aired the extended trailer for the movie. Did you know it was based on a popular kids board game? Had I know it is loosely based on Hungry Hungry Hippos, I would’ve been at one of the midnight screenings.
Seriously I loved every single second of the extended promo, and my love multiplied for it during the last scene in it.


I am hungry for The Hunger Games!
November 14th, 2011 under Hunger Games, Movies. [ Comments: 1 ]

The first full length trailer is out for The Hunger Games, and now I get what all the buzz is about. I get why they are calling this the next Twilight. Personally I think it looks better than the Vampire movies.
I can’t wait to see this movie when it comes out on March 23rd and I am sure I will be one of many many millions.


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