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Helena Bonham Carter asked the late Princess Margaret should she play her
November 11th, 2019 under Graham Norton, Helena Bonham Carter. [ Comments: none ]

Helena Bonham Carter is playing the late Princess Margaret in Netflix’s The Crown, but she was unsure if she should play the part. Before the actress said yes, she told Graham Norton, she went to see a psychic about something else. That psychic is also a medium and told Carter that there was a Margaret in the room with them. Did that name mean anything?

Carter not wanting to miss the chance of finding out if the Royal was alright with her taking on her essence, she decided to ask if it was OK. The Princess told her, “I think you are a better idea than the other actor.” With that Carter accepted the role.

Princess Margaret also had a suggestion for the woman who is playing her, she instructed her to, “Get the smoking right.” The Countess of Snowdon had a very distinctive way of her holding her cigarette holder and Carter made sure to replicate that.

Carter also revealed that she had met the Princess, and she had a way of “complimenting you and putting you down at the same time.” Therefore, the actress knew it was really Margaret.

When it comes to whom that other actress was, we do not know. But I wonder if the ghost also told her the same thing she told Carter…

Seriously, if you get the seal of approval from a dead person, you better do what they say. Otherwise, they will haunt you for the rest of your life. Then again if Carter did not do a good job in the series, then the Princess still haunt her. Boo!


Are your boots walking to see Ocean’s 8?
December 19th, 2017 under Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter, Rihanna, Sandra Bullock. [ Comments: none ]

From the trailer, Ocean’s 8 looks like all the other Ocean movies; but something in my gut says it will be more like 13 than 11. They made such odd casting choices, it is going to be weird to see them all share the same screen together. But then again, I am sure we said that about George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon at the time.

Are you going to run out to see Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, Mindy Kaling, Sarah Paulson, Awkwafina, Rihanna and Helena Bonham Carter on June 8th or are you going to go to a picnic instead?


Cinderella is the glass slipper to any home video collection!
September 14th, 2015 under DVD, Helena Bonham Carter. [ Comments: none ]
We all grew up with the animated version of Cinderella, and now the legendary fairy tale comes to life. The Disney live action version of the classic story is just as beautiful as if it was drawn and you can own the DVD/Blu-ray combo pack now.
When I heard about this movie, I was upset with Disney for doing it. Then I watched it and I am thrilled that they did it. To see the Princess that many of us girls wanted to be when we were kids, look like you and me, it makes the fairy tale seem achievable. Plus, I don’t know how they did it, but they made it look like it was a living dream. And I am not only talking about Richard Madden who plays the Prince.
The movie starts off with a young happy Cinderella (Lily James) and her parents adoring their pride and joy. Then, her beautiful mother passes away and after her father marries her Wicked Stepmother (Cate Blanchett), he dies. Now, her evil stepmother is left nearly broke raising her two horrible daughters, Drisella (Sophie McShera) and Anastasia (Holliday Grainger) and Cinderella. While the sisters live the life they always led, Cinderella lives like a maid to her stepfamily. Her only friends are the animals that live in their house.
One day, she goes into the forest, she meets a man and they have an instant connection. Neither one tells the other one who they really are. Shortly afterwards, an invite goes out to all the women of the land to attend a ball to meet the Prince and maybe marry him. Cinderella’s stepmother tells her she can’t go, but doesn’t stop her. She makes her own dress and is destined to attend. Then when her horrendous stepfamily destroys her gown, she thinks her dream of going is over. After they leave, her Fairy Godmother (Helena Bonham Carter) comes to help her go to ball by magically giving her the most beautiful dress and transportation. Once she is there, she meets her Prince who is they Prince, but she needs to leave before midnight. When the clock strikes 12, she must return home because everything her Fairy Godmother gave her will disappear.
She leaves before telling her Prince Charming who she is and now he must find his mysterious love. Only problem is that her stepmother is doing everything to keep Cinderella hidden. Will he find the woman whose foot fits the glass slipper or is their love story shattered?
Cinderella is not exactly like the story we grew up with, and it is those little difference that makes this special movie even more special.
Lily James captures Cinderella’s essence. Blanchett is so reprehensible as the Wicked Stepmother, you can’t help but to despise the lovable actress. Together they make a wonderful movie even majestic.
What makes this DVD/Blu-ray combo even more majestic is the special features. The featurettes tell us they made the animated classic into a live action version that works, what it was like working with animals and how they made the ballroom scene seem like a dream come true. While most movies have an alternate ending, this one has an alternate beginning. For you Frozen fans, Frozen Fever is included for you to have yet another song from that movie stuck in your head.
So just like the glass slipper, Cinderella is the perfect fit for anyone’s home video collection.


I think Helena Bonham Carter’s vajayjay smells fishy
February 11th, 2015 under English Roses, Helena Bonham Carter. [ Comments: none ]

Helena Bonham Carter posed naked with a tuna and she did it all for a good cause. She is trying to bring awareness to the Blue Marine Foundation, and I think the photo that Fishlove took of her is doing exactly that. So what is their message? They want let people know that over-fishing is destroying our oceans. Did they get catch your attention?


Lone Ranger looks as bad as Johnny Depp’s makeup in it
October 3rd, 2012 under Helena Bonham Carter, Johnny Depp. [ Comments: none ]

The first trailer is out for Lone Ranger and it looks so awful I refuse to tell my dad, who is a huge fan of the masked hero, about it. Fans of the series will be devastated by how bad Tonto looks in it, but people who are not familiar with the Lone Ranger will enjoy seeing a modernized Western. Personally I think Westerns need to remain in the past and not be all turned into the Matrix style with a lot of CGI fighting going on. But that is me and not the teenage boy who will run out to see this. I don’t think teenage girls will be running to theaters to see Johnny Depp looking like that when the flick comes out on July 3rd. But I could be wrong.
BTW can Hollywood make a law that Depp and Helena Bonham Carter are not allowed to do movies together any more. I mean it is seriously enough already.


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