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Has Arnold Schwarzenegger hit hard times?
January 15th, 2016 under Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hard times. [ Comments: none ]

Arnold Schwarzenegger was photographed catching some shut eye in a sleeping bag in front his statue, so has the Governator hit hard times? Probably not, even though he captioned the picture by saying, “How times have changed.”
I think he is just protecting his image and making sure that no predators steal it. If they do, then you know he’ll be saying, “I’ll be back!”
And on that note, “Hasta la vista, baby!”


Has Ryan Seacrest hit hard times?
January 8th, 2016 under American Idol 9+, Hard times, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

Now that American Idol is ending, that means that Ryan Seacrest will be out of one of his many many many jobs in a few months. What will he do about that? Looks like he found a new job pushing food carts in a Vegas hotel, so is that the case? Nope, as he explained, “no vegas u can’t tempt me w carbs and sugar, I will stay strong in 2016 #CES2016.”
Although, he looks like a natural, doesn’t he?


Has Jay Leno hit hard times?
September 15th, 2015 under Hard times, Jay Leno. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since Jay Leno left The Tonight Show a year and a half ago, we’ve rarely seen him. But that has all changed because today he reappeared as an Uber driver. So you have to wonder if he has hit tough times? Nope, it is just some publicity he is doing for his CNBC show Jay Leno’s Garage that debuts on October 7th.
BTW As someone who has driven by him a few times, he is a really good driver. So whoever gets a Uber ride from him, should feel comfortable driving with him.


Has Jerry Seinfeld hit hard times?
August 27th, 2015 under Hard times, Seinfeld. [ Comments: none ]

Even though Jerry Seinfeld had one of the biggest shows of all time, he hasn’t really worked on television since. Last week, he was photographed with hands up on the back of his head at a lemonade stand he was working at with his kids, so has he hit hard times? He wife Jessica Seinfeld answered that question. She said, “Lemonade dreams crushed by local neighbor but not before raising lots of money for @loverecycled. Thanks to all of our customers and big tippers! 🙋🏼🙌🏾 thanks Xander and Jaden for crushing it today with Julian and Jerry.”
The only hard times he is having is dealing with an annoying neighbor who won’t let his kids and him raise some money for charity.


Has Lily Tomlin hit hard times?
August 21st, 2015 under Hard times, Lily Tomlin. [ Comments: none ]
Even though Lily Tomlin is starring in Grandma, that’s out now in theaters, and the Netflix series Grace & Frankie, she still felt the need to sell some marijuana before her appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night. So has she hit some hard times and needs the extra money? Probably not, she just found a new way to earn some extra cash and still continue to make people giddy after they see her. If she really wanted to make them laugh uncontrollably, she should sell them some pot and make them watch The Incredible Shrinking Woman as they smoke it.


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