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Sir Patrick Stewart almost had hair for Star Trek: TNG
October 20th, 2023 under Graham Norton, Sir Patrick Stewart/Sir Ian McKellen, Star Trek. [ Comments: none ]

We know Sir Patrick Stewart as bald. But if the studio execs had their way, he would’ve worn a wig on Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Today, when Picard was on The Graham Norton Show, he told the story about the audition process for the Sci-Fi series.

Stewart did three auditions, and he was getting ready to do the fourth for the heads of Paramount Studios. They decided they wanted to see what he would like with hair on his head. So, his agent asked him if he had a wig. The actor did, but it was still in London. Therefore, they had it flown over the pond to Los Angeles.

Finally, it was audition time, and he wore the hairpiece.

After it was over, he went to take it off. And the execs walked in to see what he would look like without it.

I think we all know which way they preferred him! Although, is it wrong for me to say I kind of like him with hair?


Kate Winslet thought she pooped on stage
December 9th, 2022 under Graham Norton. [ Comments: none ]

Back when Kate Winslet was 18 years old, she starred in the stage production of What the Butler Saw. And one night, he almost saw too much.

What did he see? The Oscar winner told Graham Norton there is a moment in the show when she has to go behind a curtain and take all of her clothes off. Then she lies down on a bed with a white sheet. When she goes horizontal, she feels the urge to poop.

She clenches her butt, hoping that nothing will come out. But she feels like something did. Since she is in full view of the audience because it is a theatre in the round, she scrunches the sheet around her so that no one will be none the wiser.

When she stands up, Winslet still feels the need to go and feels like if she moves the wrong way, there will be crap all over the floor. Finally, she runs off stage, gets to her dressing room, finds out nothing came out of her, gets to the bathroom just in time, and it was like gunfire.

And that is the shittiest thing to happen to a stage actor in the history of theater.


‘Oh my!’ George Takei’s catchphrase is not from Star Trek.
December 2nd, 2022 under Graham Norton, Howard Stern, Star Trek. [ Comments: none ]

Here is your latest Mandela Effect explained.

Did you think the catchphrase “Oh my” is from Star Trek? Well, it is not. Nope. He never said that on the show.

But we know the actor has uttered those two words. So what is going on?

Today on The Graham Norton Show, the beloved actor explained how it happened. Many years ago, he was invited to appear on Howard Stern’s radio show. However, he didn’t know who the shock was at the time.

So Sulu arrives at the radio show offices, and they have a radio on. He said to his publicist that the show they have on is vile and disgusting. And she told him that is Howard Stern.

Then he was ushered in, and the first thing that Stern said to Takei was, “You have a deep voice. A voice like that must have a big dong below?” To which the legend asked, “Are we on the air?” When the shock jock told him they were, all he could say was, you guessed it, “Oh my!”

And the rest is history, thanks to Stern playing to two words repeatedly on his show.


Geena Davis shares Brad Pitt’s epic casting story for Thelma & Louise
October 21st, 2022 under Brad Pitt, Graham Norton. [ Comments: none ]

As we know, Brad Pitt starred in Thelma & Louise with Geena Davis. Today, when the Oscar winner was on The Graham Norton Show, she revealed that the actor was up for the role against three other leading men.

However, Pitt stood out to her because he was so charismatic and talented. So much so that the actress kept forgetting her lines. So, when he left, she told casting that he was her favorite of the four that auditioned.

Who were the other three? They were Mark Ruffalo, Grant Show, and an actor she forgot about it until they sat next to each other on the plane years later. George Clooney was so forgettable during that audition that he had to remind her he was the fourth person.

So whenever someone says, but they are no George Clooney, they should be saying he is no Brad Pitt. Well, to everyone but Angelina Jolie. Too soon?


Did you know Meryl Streep wasn’t born with that name?
June 7th, 2022 under Graham Norton, Meryl Streep. [ Comments: none ]

Meryl Streep was on The Graham Norton Show a while ago, and the host asked her about her name. It turns out that she wasn’t always Meryl Streep. Her last name was the same, but her first name was Mary, like her mother and her mother before her.

The Oscar winner’s dad didn’t want to have two Marys in the house, so he came up with Meryl.

When the actress was a child, she hated her name. However, it is that name, along with her acting, that made her stand out in a crowd.

Sometimes a rose by any other name is not the same!


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