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Freevee tricks a man to be on a fake jury with actors!
March 7th, 2023 under FreeVee, James Marsden. [ Comments: none ]

Freevee is the home of Judge Judy’s Judy Justice. And soon they are going to have a show about Jury Duty.

It is not a real one, and it is not a fake one. So what is it? Jury Duty chronicles the inner workings of an American jury trial through the eyes of one particular juror, Ronald Gladden. What Gladden doesn’t know is that the entire case is fake, everyone except him is an actor, including James Marsden, and everything that happens — inside the courtroom and out — is carefully planned.

Who is this lone juror? Gladden is a solar contractor from San Diego, CA. I can’t wait to see his reaction when the case is over, and he finds out none of it was real. I hope the producers hired him to put solar panels on their roofs. It is the least they could do!

So when can you watch this brilliant show? The first four episodes debut on April 7th, and then the remaining four will play out with two new episodes on April 14th and April 21st.

So, you know that moment in the trailer when Marsden stands up and says he is a public figure, and the judge doesn’t know who he is? True story time. My friend was recently selected for jury duty, and the judge remembered my friend from a show he did in the ’90s. So yes, it is an LA thing.


Who’s the Boss sequel is in trouble
December 29th, 2022 under Alyssa Milano, FreeVee. [ Comments: none ]

A few weeks ago, Alyssa Milano told The View that things were looking promising for the Who’s the Boss sequel getting greenlit. But that is no longer the case.

“#whostheboss update: I wish I had better news,” she wrote. “@AmazonFreevee said they need to see more before they greenlight the sequel. (Even though the script submitted is beyond hilarious.) I’m hoping for the best but financially, I need to pursue other roles this coming pilot season.”

Personally, with only 40% of the main cast being part of the series, I think Freevee made the right choice. It was not just about the Micellis. It was also about their relationship with Bowers. So without them, do we really want the show?


Alyssa Milano gives an update on Who’s the Boss
November 30th, 2022 under Alyssa Milano, FreeVee, Taxi. [ Comments: 7 ]

Two years ago, there were rumors that Alyssa Milano and Tony Danza were working on a sequel to Who’s the Boss. But then, the gossip stopped.

Today, when the actress was on The View, Alyssa Farah Griffin (who revealed she is named after Milano) asked her for an update. And the update is that they submitted a script to FreeVee. If the streaming service likes it, then the series will be picked up.

So we are one step closer to seeing the Micellis together again.


Judge Judy wants you!
September 30th, 2021 under FreeVee, Judge Judy. [ Comments: none ]

On November 1st, Judge Judy Sheindlin is going to be back doing what she does best. She will be overseeing cases in Judy Justice on IMBD.TV.

Her new courtroom show will be airing daily, so she needs cases to fill the airtime. Do you have a case that you think will be perfect for the most famous judge in the country? Then you apply here.

Who knows, she might select you, and then you can be berated by her on the streaming service. How cool would that be? So go through the list of people you want to sue, and apply to be on the series.


IMDB TV will not save For Life nor Rebel
August 16th, 2021 under 50 Cent, Andy Garcia, FreeVee. [ Comments: none ]

ABC decided not to renew For Life and Rebel, so Sony was hoping that IMDB TV would give them another season on the streaming service. However, today they announced that they are not picking up either legal drama after a trial run of their old episodes, according to Deadline.

For Life was produced by 50 Cent and starred Nicholas Pinnock as a man, who was wrongfully convicted and sentenced to life in prison. He decides to get a law degree and gets his conviction overturned. Once he is free, he tries to help others gain their freedom.

Rebel starred Katey Sagal as a woman who fights for those who need someone to fight for them. She didn’t do it alone. She had help from her husband, John Corbett, and her late best friend’s husband, Andy Garcia.

Are you sad that neither show was saved? I was hoping that they would’ve saved Rebel because it was an enjoyable hour of television.


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