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Grandfathered and The Grinder are great!
September 29th, 2015 under Fox. [ Comments: none ]
Fox is making an ’80s girl’s dream come true by giving John Stamos and Rob Lowe back to back shows on Tuesday nights.
Starting at 8p on Grandfathered, Stamos plays Jimmy, a successful, single, meticulous restaurant owner who loves himself a lot. Then one day, he gets a surprise that will change everything. Gerald (Josh Peck), his 25 year old son, whom he didn’t know about, comes in to his restaurant and tells him, not only is he a dad, but he is also a grandfather. Now he has to adjust to it all.
To make things even more complicated, he has to deal with Gerald’s mom, Sara (Paget Brewster), who isn’t really a fan of her ex and won’t make his life easy as he tries to get know his new family.
The true stars of the show are Layla and Emelia Golfieri, who play Edie, Jimmy’s awwwdorable grandchild. Every scene that Stamos has with them will melt your heart. In fact the whole show will do the same. You can’t help but to fall in love Grandfathered.

Then at 8:30p, Rob Lowe plays Dean Sanderson, Jr, an actor whose long running television show just got cancelled and he comes home to see his family. On Dean’s show The Grinder, Dean played a lawyer, which in real life is what his dad, Dean (William Devane) and his brother, Stewart (Fred Savage) do for a living. Only problem is that his brother isn’t the best lawyer in the courtroom. One day, when Dean visits his younger brother in court, he realizes he can do this. He learned a lot playing a lawyer on television and he is ready to put all that knowledge to work. Although Stewart on the other hand wishes his perfect brother will go back to Hollywood. Will they be able to work it out?
More importantly can Rob Lowe convincingly play an actor who played a lawyer trying to be a lawyer. Of course he can and because of that Fox has a strong Tuesday night on their hands with these two shows and Scream Queens.


Ever wonder why actors say sex scenes are so unromantic to film?
September 28th, 2015 under Fox, Kristen Schaal, Will Forte. [ Comments: none ]

Whenever an actor is asked about filming a sex scene, they always they are not as romantic as they look. Well, Fox just shared this behind the scenes photo of Will Forte and Kristen Schaal in bed on the set of The Last Man on Earth, and you can understand why they say that.
Look at them surrounded by people in the well-lit confined space, how can you get in the mood with all of that going on? The only thing that is making them hot is all of that lighting.
So now, I bet you are not as envious of actors when they get to film a love scene with someone on your To-Do List?


Fox’s Sundays are full of all-new laughs tonight!
September 27th, 2015 under Fox, The Simpsons. [ Comments: none ]

The night starts off at 7:30p with Bob’s Burger and Bob is a lot less hairy. Since we last saw him he has been losing weight and hair off of his upper lip. When he thinks of shaving it off, Linda admits that it was her mustache that attracted him to her and that is why she fell in love with him. So their kids say it was fate that he had it when they met and that is why they are together today. Then they come up with different wacky stories proving their theory.
Will their made up tales convince their dad to keep his mustache or will he shave it off hearing them?

Then at 8p, it is time for The Simpsons and the most talked about episode of the summer. Homer and Marge are separated and they are dating other people. Will they get back together or are they forever over like Kermit and Miss Piggy? It is a surprise ending you don’t want to miss.

Then at 9:30p, The Last Man on Earth is back and so is Phil’s beard. Carol (Kristen Schaal) and Phil (Will Forte) have been touring the country for the last few months and they have settled in the White House. When Carol tells him it doesn’t feel like home, they decide to look for another place to live. Where will they go next since the whole world is their oyster. Well everywhere but Tuscon that is. Will they make it back there to see the other last humans on Earth or will they just spend it with each other? You just have to tune in to find out.
Spoiler alert, next week’s episode ends with the biggest surprise in the show’s run and this show is all about surprises. So imagine how huge it is. Think you know, tell me what you think it is and if you guess right, I might tell you.


Kristen Schaal will put anything in her mouth for a laugh
September 25th, 2015 under Conan O'Brien, Fox, Kristen Schaal, Will Forte. [ Comments: none ]

Kristen Schaal was on Conan yesterday to talk about The Last Man on Earth that is back on Fox this Sunday, and she told him about eating crickets on the show. So the TBS host wanted to know if she had to eat real crickets when they filmed the scene. She told him that swallowed about 50-60 of them by the time they were through. Why? As she explained, “I’ll put anything in my mouth for a laugh.”
Then it was time to move on from her to her co-star Will Forte, he asked for the fake crickets to munch on for his scene. They were dates with agave that looked like the real thing and no one told her. Don’t feel too bad for her because by the end of eating all of those buggers, she took a liking to them. So much so, she eats them regularly now and brought some on the TBS talk show for Conan O’Brien and Andy Richter to try. O’Brien wasn’t having any of it, but the sidekick thought he would give it a try. He didn’t mind them, even after she told the weird feeling you get when an antenna gets stuck in your throat. Richter pulled one off of his tongue and he describe it as “like a pube.” Which brings us back how Schaal will put anything in her mouth for a laugh.
BTW I don’t care how yummy they look, there is no way you can get me to eat one. I shudder just thinking about putting the creepy crawly that won’t shut up in my mouth. Would you, could you eat one?


Rosewood isn’t coming up roses, but Empire is!
September 23rd, 2015 under Empire, Fox. [ Comments: none ]
Rosewood is Fox’s latest procedural and it feels like it is trapped in the ’80s.
Rosewood (Morris Chestnut) is a medical examiner in Miami and he is obsessed with death. There is a reason he is so obsessed and you will find out by the end of the episode.
Everyone in Miami PD is used to him and letting him tag along with them. That is until the recently transferred Det. Annalise Villa (Jaina Lee Ortiz) joins the force. She hates death and she hates working with Rosewood. When she realizes she has no choice, she takes him with her but she makes things difficult. Then when they solve the murder, she is OK with working him.
Rosewood is a cross between Miami Vice and Dexter, but it is more Miami Vice than Dexter.
Then at 9p, the moment you’ve been waiting for all summer is here, Empire is back! I ain’t going to tell you too much because I don’t want you to go all Cookie on me.
The season premiere picks up a few months after the finale Lucious (Terrence Howard) is in jail, Jamal (Jussie Smollett) is the head of Empire but Cookie is running things. Dre (Trai Byers) and Hakeem (Bryshere Y. Gray) are not happy about their little brother being in charge and things are going to get crazy!
That is why we love Empire, it is just as good at being bad as it was last season. What more could we ask for?


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