For some reason the first McDonalds ad was on the front of page of YouTube, so I had to check it out. What I saw from the ad that made its debut on June 27, 1962 shocked me. Seriously it is amazing that the fast food restaurant is as huge as it is after that ad. I even think that that version of Ronald McDonald is scarier than the newest version of the Burger King King and I never that would be possible.
Before Andrew McCarthy was working for a department store in Mannequin, he was working for Pepsi for Burger King. He looks as cute now as he did when he was 21 in that 1983 commercial.
Before Morgan Freeman was known for his voice, he was known for saying ahhhh for McDonalds. Can’t say I blame him for being embarrassed about that 1974 commercial he did when he was 36.
Before Sarah Michelle Gellar was singing (badly) on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, she was doing it for Burger King. How awwwdorable was the 4 year old actress wishing us a Merry little Christmas back in 1982!
And as she mentioned she was joined by a 19 year old Elisabeth Shue and 21 year old Lea Thompson before they were Footloose and had All the Right Movies!
So I woke up this morning and I was debating whether or not to get the new sandwich from Kentucky Fried Chicken. In case you have missed what that heart attack inducing sandwich is, here is what the Double Down is…instead of using bread they use two pieces of either friend or grilled chicken and stuff it with 4 slices of cheese, two pieces of bacon and their special sauce. When I saw the Double Down my stomach went yum and my heart went dumb dumb. So since my body had such conflicting thoughts, I have seriously been wondering what to do. Well yesterday on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon he did the pros and cons of ordering the Double Down and thanks to him I have made my decision…the belly wins and the heart loses! Hopefully the heart won’t choose to get revenge on me for eating it.
BTW here is my question to KFC, I understand they are offering a healthy alternative by offering up grilled chicken instead of fried but with that sandwich does it really matter? I mean if you are going to eat that cholesterol rising sandwich why not go all the way and get it fried? I mean at that rate is it really worth saving yourself from the 80 extra calories and 9 grams of fat?
Finally has anyone tried the Double Down and how freaking delicious was it???
UPDATE: Here is Stephen Colbert eating the Double Down on Comedy Central show Colbert Nation, he reinforced my decision to get it!