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The Mexican Pizza will be back at Taco Bell in September!
August 3rd, 2022 under Fast Food. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 2020, Taco Bell removed the Mexican Pizza from its menu because it was complicated to make during the pandemic. Then, in mid-May, it was back on for two weeks before it was gone again. Why? Because it was selling out all over the country, and they didn’t have enough ingredients to keep up with the supply.

Since then, people have been wondering when they can run to the border again, and now we know.

“It’s going to be relaunched mid-September, and it’s going to be a permanent item,” Taco Bell CEO Mark King told Fortune. “I had more feedback—hate mail!—over the removal of Mexican pizza [than any other time].”

Most excellent news! And hopefully, now, we will finally get that Dolly Parton musical for the item they promised us.

One last note, I got one of the Mexican Pizzas when they were back. And it was really yummy, so I can’t wait to have another one because yo quiero Taco Bell!


Has Mark Hamill hit hard times?
August 2nd, 2022 under Fast Food, Star Wars. [ Comments: 6 ]

Mark Hamill was seen working a Jack in the Box drive-thru, so has the beloved actor hit hard times? I mean, now that Star Wars has moved beyond Luke Skywalker, he probably needs the money.

However, the actor doesn’t. You see, before we all knew his name, he worked at the fast food restaurant. One day when they asked him to work the drive-thru, he used a clown’s voice to take the orders. Guess what? His bosses didn’t find it funny, so they fired him.

Well, the Big Head at Jack in the Box heard about his firing and thought he would make it up to the star. So, after 52 years, they invited him back to work behind the window and let him use any voice he wanted.

How did he do? Everyone loved it! But it could be because they realized who the Joker is, and who doesn’t love him besides Darth Vader?

So, should we drive around trying to find that one store he works at? Nope, he is good now. So good, he is now doing commercials for them.

To see his first two advertisements with them, then click here!


KFC’s Finger Sporks are licking good!
June 20th, 2022 under Fast Food. [ Comments: none ]

We know that Kentucky Fried Chicken is finger licking good, but what about their sides? Now, we can find out when we order the KFC Side Lovers meal that includes 3 large sides. That is because they will give you KFC Finger Sporks with each order.

So if you have been wanting to lick your fingers after you eat their Mac & Cheese or Cole Slaw, now you can find out what it is like. Plus, you can use it on any side anytime you want to lick your fingers after you gobble down the yummy food. Imagine how much fun they will be on Thanksgiving?!?


Would you wear nail polish that smells like Velveeta cheese?
June 8th, 2022 under Fast Food. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, I posted about a nail polish that is the color of Raising Cane’s sauce. Today, I am going to tell you that Nails, Inc. teamed up with Velveeta to release two nail polishes, one red and one yellow, that smell like Velveeta cheese when it dries.

“VELVEETA is known for its rich, creamy texture and cheesy, melty goodness, so what better way to bring this to life for our fans than with something equally as rich and creamy — nail polish,” said Kelsey Rice, Senior Brand Communications Manager at The Kraft Heinz Company. “Our VELVEETA Pinkies Out Polish gives pleasure seekers everywhere an irresistible new way to show the world that they are living ‘La Dolce Velveeta’ by living pinkies out.”

So now, KFC will be known as finger licking good, and Velveeta will go by fingernail licking good. Because you know you are going to want to lick it to see if it tastes as good as it smells.

BTW I am afraid to ask what they are going to come up with next because at this rate, you know they are going to top this. The question is how.

If the nail polishes that come as a set seem appetizing to you, then you get them for just $15!


Would you wear nail polish the color of Raising Cane’s sauce?
June 7th, 2022 under Fast Food. [ Comments: none ]

Today is a big day in Burbank, California; Raising Cane’s finally opened up its restaurant today, Well, I decided to check out their Facebook page, and I saw they just released a nail polish that is the same color as their sauce,

While it is a pretty color, I couldn’t wear it because it is there same shade as my skin. While that is me, would you wear it? If you would, then you can buy it for $6.99.


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